
Mass with Bishop Jenky on Jan. 25 among Respect Life activities planned in January

A group from the St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center at Illinois State University in Normal sings as they process up Dearborn Avenue with thousands of other participants in last year's March for Life Chicago. The Diocese of Peoria is sponsoring a bus to this year's event on Jan. 13. (The Catholic Post file/Tom Dermody)

Respect life advocates from around the Diocese of Peoria are planning to pray together and march locally, regionally and nationally as the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court decisions legalizing abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy approach. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, is inviting all clergy, religious and faithful to join him at St. […]

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Teens walk with Jesus at Diocese of Peoria’s Abide in Me retreat in Bloomington

Father Eric Bolek carried Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to each participant in the Abide in Me diocese-wide youth retreat for a moment of personal encounter and adoration. The 40-hour retreat for high school students took place Nov. 2-4 at Corpus Christi School in Bloomington. Father Bolek is chaplain of The High School of Saint Thomas More in Champaign and parochial vicar of St. Matthew in Champaign and St. Boniface, Seymour. (Provided photo/Daryl Wilson)

BLOOMINGTON — Nearly 100 high school students from across the Diocese of Peoria accepted an invitation to be in Jesus’ eucharistic Presence throughout a weekend retreat called Abide in Me hosted Nov. 2-4 at Corpus Christi School here. “The whole mission of the retreat is to really give each of the youth a profound and […]

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St. Vincent de Paul pantries will move to former school building in Bloomington

Heads bow as Steve Nolan leads volunteers in prayer before the opening of the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at the Holy Trinity Parish Center in Bloomington on a recent Monday morning. Next spring, the busy pantry will leave its crowded quarters for a new home at the nearby former Holy Trinity Junior High School. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

BLOOMINGTON — It seems fitting  that nearly all the doors in the former Holy Trinity Junior High School building here are being widened as the building is transformed into a spacious new home for the food and clothing distribution projects of  the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Holy Trinity Conference. For practical reasons, the […]

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New medical office building planned for OSF St. Joseph campus in Bloomington

An architect's drawing of the $24 million, 53,000 square foot medical office building expected to be completed on the campus of OSF HealthCare St. Joseph Medical Center in Bloomington by August of 2019. (Provided photo)

BLOOMINGTON — With prayers for the safety of construction workers and excitement for improvements it will bring to health care in the region, groundbreaking ceremonies took place Aug. 29 for a $24 million medical office building to be built on the campus of OSF HealthCare St. Joseph Medical Center here. “This is God’s work,” said […]

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Bloomington native Thomas Junis makes first profession of vows as a Salesian

Margie and Mitch Junis place their hands on the shoulders of their son, Brother Thomas Junis, as he professes his first vows as a Salesian of Don Bosco. (Provided photo)

HAVERSTRAW, N.Y. — A Bloomington native who credits the example of the late Msgr. Gregory Ketcham and the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary for encouraging his vocation, has made his first profession as a Salesian of Don Bosco. Brother Thomas Scott Junis, SDB, professed his vows — with the intent of […]

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Historic St. Patrick Parish, Bloomington, celebrating 125 years with events June 30

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will preside at a 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday, June 30, at Historic St. Patrick Church, Bloomington.

BLOOMINGTON — Members of Historic St. Patrick Church, 1209 W. Locust, will celebrate 125 years of that history and faith next Saturday, June 30. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will join them and preside at the 5 p.m. Mass. A reception, including dinner catered by Biaggi’s, will follow in the parish hall. No reservations are […]

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Services in Bloomington and Hancock County for Msgr. Gregory Ketcham, 50

Msgr. Gregory Ketcham

BLOOMINGTON — A Mass of Christian Burial was offered at St. Patrick Church of Merna here on Monday for Msgr. Gregory Ketcham, 50, pastor emeritus who died at the parish rectory on Feb. 9, 2018 — 20 months after being diagnosed with brain cancer. “Grace flowed through him,” said Father James Seitz of Msgr. Ketcham, […]

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“Year with the Saint John’s Bible” opens; masterpiece on display in Bloomington

Taking in the depiction of the genealogy of Jesus at the beginning of Matthew’s Gospel in the Heritage Edition of the Saint John’s Bible are (from left) Toni Wilken of Lexington, Sister Sandra Brunenn, OSB, prioress of St. Mary Monastery in Rock Island, and Carolyn Gray, Sharon McNamara and Feli Sebastian, all of Bloomington. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — To say that the Saint John’s Bible is an artistic masterpiece would be true, but that isn’t why it was created. “The main reason we did this project is to remind people that the Bible, by its very nature, is communal. It’s meant to be shared,” said Tim Ternes, director of the Saint […]

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Gwenn Roche to leave principal post at Corpus Christi School, Bloomington

Gwenn Roche

BLOOMINGTON — Gwenn Roche, principal of Corpus Christi School since 2013, has announced that she will be leaving at the end of the year so her husband, Patrick, can accept a job in the Columbia, Missouri, area. The move will take them closer to their daughters, grandchildren and extended family in Kansas City, Missouri, but […]

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Gratitude, pride as Central Catholic H.S. celebrates National Blue Ribbon award

Dr. Sharon Weiss, superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Peoria, presents the plaque designating Central Catholic High School in Bloomington as a National Blue Ribbon School to principal Sean Foster at a celebration on Nov. 17. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — Students, faculty and staff, families and benefactors of Central Catholic High School often say, “It’s great to be a Saint,” and now the U.S. Department of Education has joined the chorus. Central Catholic was named a 2017 National Blue Ribbon School at the end of September, and the award came home from Washington, […]

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