
New site for Milan Christian Food Pantry ‘a gift from God,’ generosity of others

The Milan Christian Food Pantry will move to this new location at 225 E. 1st St. in early 2020. Donated by longtime Milan attorney Ken Collinson, the building's interior has been extensively remodeled and the exterior will soon receive new siding. (Provided photo)

MILAN — “A wonderful gift from God.” That’s how Alice Dobbeleare describes the soon-to-be new location for the Milan Christian Food Pantry. For five years the pantry — a joint venture of five area churches, including St. Ambrose Parish in Milan and St. Patrick Parish, Andalusia — has operated out of rented space at 128 […]

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St. Vincent de Paul food and clothing pantry re-opens at new Bloomington site

Volunteers joined clients outside for prayer before doors opened for the first time April 1 at the new location of the food and clothing pantry operated by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Holy Trinity Conference in Bloomington. The pantries moved into the former Corpus Christi (Holy Trinity) Junior High School near Holy Trinity Church following a six-month renovation. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

BLOOMINGTON — “The communion of saints has got to look an awful lot like this.” So said Deacon Bob Hermes, spiritual adviser to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Holy Trinity Conference, as he looked April 1 at more than 50 volunteers gathered in the main distribution room of the conference’s new food and […]

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St. Vincent de Paul pantries will move to former school building in Bloomington

Heads bow as Steve Nolan leads volunteers in prayer before the opening of the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at the Holy Trinity Parish Center in Bloomington on a recent Monday morning. Next spring, the busy pantry will leave its crowded quarters for a new home at the nearby former Holy Trinity Junior High School. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

BLOOMINGTON — It seems fitting  that nearly all the doors in the former Holy Trinity Junior High School building here are being widened as the building is transformed into a spacious new home for the food and clothing distribution projects of  the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Holy Trinity Conference. For practical reasons, the […]

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Logan County Catholic Community Food Pantry now serving at new, larger site

Beth Fleshman, a volunteer at the Logan County Catholic Community Food Pantry in Lincoln, assists a guest with her selections at the pantry’s new location on June 27. The outreach serves more than 1,600 people annually and is supported by the county’s four Catholic parishes. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

LINCOLN — “Wow, this place is huge,” said the first guest to walk through the door of the newly built and blessed Logan County Catholic Community Food Pantry on June 27. She would find, as do the dozens of others who are assisted with their families’ food needs here every Wednesday, that the new facility’s […]

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‘Little Free Pantry,’ other ideas helping to fill needs, stomachs at Sophia’s Kitchen

Claire Crone, director of Sophia's Kitchen in Peoria, restocks the new Little Free Pantry. People may take what they need at any time. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Providing a sack lunch and beverages five days a week isn’t enough at Sophia’s Kitchen in Peoria. Claire Crone director, said it is important to serve people in the way they need, not in the way that works best for the sandwich program. A survey of the patrons taken in June gave the staff and […]

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St. Mary’s Food Pantry in Canton sees increased need in the summer months

Before administering the sacrament of confirmation at St. Mary Church in Canton on June 25, Bishop Daniel R. Jnky, CSC, toured St. Mary's Food Pantry and then blessed it. Accompanying him were Father Daniel Ebker, pastor; John Dudek, chairman of the food pantry committee; and committee members Vicki Pettett (left) and Nancy Elson. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

CANTON — When he saw the package of dinner rolls on the table, the little boy asked volunteers at St. Mary’s Food Pantry if his family could have them. They said his response was heartbreaking when he found out he could. “Dad, we get to keep this bread,” he cried. “His eyes were this round […]

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