
Wonder and awe in Bethlehem

By Katie Bogner “Only two classes of people found the Babe: the shepherds and the Wise Men; the simple and the learned; those who knew that they knew nothing, and those who knew that they did not know everything.” — From “Life of Christ” by Fulton J. Sheen In all of Fulton Sheen’s writings on […]

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The World Mission Rosary: A chance to tour the regions of the world in prayer

By Katie Bogner “When the Rosary is completed, one has circumnavigated the globe and embraced all continents, all people in prayer.” — From “The Catholic Hour,” Feb. 11, 1951 — Fulton Sheen served as National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith (now called the Pontifical Missions Society) from 1950 to 1966. […]

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The Priest is Not His Own

By Katie Bogner “On Saturday, September 20, 1919, I was ordained a priest, by the grace of God, in the cathedral at Peoria. The stirrings which the Holy Spirit put in my soul in the early days were now fulfilled — or were they? I was now a priest. Yes. But is not that just […]

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The ‘JMJ’ on the blackboard

By Katie Bogner “As a custom which started in kindergarten, I always wrote ‘JMJ’ at the top of the blackboard, as I do on every piece of paper before I write — and which I hope will someday be on my tombstone. In answer to many letters, the public finally recognized me and the words […]

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The holy humor of Fulton Sheen

By Katie Bogner “There is a close relationship between faith and humor. . . . He who possesses faith knows that this world is not the only one, and therefore can be regarded rather lightly.” From “Treasure in Clay: The Autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen” As the beginning of a new school year draws near, students […]

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The Electronic Evangelist

By Katie Bogner (Second in a series) “Radio is like the Old Testament, for it is the hearing of the Word without the seeing. Television is like the New Testament, for the Word is seen as it becomes flesh and dwells among us.” From “Treasure in Clay: The Autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen” Best-selling author, […]

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The hour that made Fulton Sheen’s day

By Katie Bogner “The purpose of the Holy Hour is to encourage a deep personal encounter with Christ. The Holy and Glorious God is constantly inviting us to come to Him, to hold converse with Him, to ask for such things as we need and to experience what a blessing there is in fellowship with […]

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