
10,208 students are enrolled this year at Catholic schools in the Diocese of Peoria

Anna Sheley, Kinzley Bolen, Zoey Steinberg and Jase Bone, kindergartners at Carroll Catholic School in Lincoln, hold a sign welcoming the Priests Pedaling for Prayers in October. Meanwhile, the welcome mat that has been out for prospective students at the school has made this Carroll Catholic's largest kindergarten class since 2000. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Mirroring the national trend in Catholic school enrollment, the number of students in the 43 elementary and secondary Catholic schools and academies located in the Diocese of Peoria has declined from 10,488 in 2018-2019 to 10,208 this year. The loss of 280 students represents a decline of 2.7 percent, according to Jerry Sanderson, associate superintendent […]

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Logan County Catholic Community Food Pantry now serving at new, larger site

Beth Fleshman, a volunteer at the Logan County Catholic Community Food Pantry in Lincoln, assists a guest with her selections at the pantry’s new location on June 27. The outreach serves more than 1,600 people annually and is supported by the county’s four Catholic parishes. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

LINCOLN — “Wow, this place is huge,” said the first guest to walk through the door of the newly built and blessed Logan County Catholic Community Food Pantry on June 27. She would find, as do the dozens of others who are assisted with their families’ food needs here every Wednesday, that the new facility’s […]

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‘Special day’ as Daniel McShane is ordained to transitional diaconate

A joyful McShane family gathers around Bishop Jenky after the May 20 Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. Pictured from left are John and Diane McShane, parents of newly ordained transitional Deacon Daniel McShane; brother Michael McShane; and brother Andrew McShane with wife, Jackie, and daughter Sears. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

As the church celebrated the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost last Sunday, that same Spirit was being called upon as Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, ordained Daniel McShane to be a transitional deacon for the Diocese of Peoria. “Strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit, he will help the bishop and his […]

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Father, son in Lincoln among 163 in diocese baptized during Easter Vigil

After years of searching for answers, Matt Bidwell's journey of faith brought him to the font at Holy Family Church in Lincoln, where he was baptized by Father Jeffrey Laible at the Easter Vigil on April 15. His son Roman, who was baptized next, looks on at right. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

LINCOLN — Matthew Bidwell finds it difficult to talk about himself, but there was no need for words after his baptism during the Easter Vigil at Holy Family Church last Saturday night. The smile on his face said it all. It soon communicated itself to his son Roman, who was the next to have holy […]

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Seminarian Danny McShane strives to be transformed by God’s love, share it

Danny McShane of Lincoln is studying to be a priest for the Diocese of Peoria at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. (Photo by Nellie Photography)

Danny McShane already has a wealth of experience to bring to priestly ministry. A seminarian at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, he organized Mount2000, a eucharistic retreat offered entirely by the seminarians for more than 1,000 high school students, this year. For the last two summers, he has been responsible for running Emmaus […]

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Catechumen from Lincoln finds answers as he journeys into the Catholic Church

Matt Bidwell of Lincoln (left) and his sponsor, Dan Landess, are pictured with Bishop Jenky after the Rite of Election on March 5. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

LINCOLN — Answers. Matt Bidwell looked for them for much of his 29 years. Standing in St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria last Sunday for the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion, he was certain he’d found what he had been seeking in the Catholic Church. He will be baptized with his son, Roman, […]

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