
Anticipated ordination ‘a little more real’ for seminarian after ciborium gift

Ed and Rosemary McGinnis, members of St. Columba Parish in Ottawa, present a ciborium to Deacon Danny McShane as his summer internship comes to an end. With them is the McGinnis’ 3-year-old grandson, Paxton. (Provided photo)

OTTAWA — Deacon Danny McShane took away more than pastoral experience and fond memories from his summer assignment with the Ottawa Catholic Community. He received a ciborium from Rosemary McGinnis, a longtime member of St. Columba Parish. It had been given to her in memory of her uncle, Sir Knight Andrew Massieon, a Fourth Degree […]

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Msgr. Ketcham’s influence on vocations recalled by young priests, seminarians

Msgr. Gregory Ketcham celebrates Mass at St. John's Chapel in Champaign in this file photo from St. John's Catholic Newman Center. Msgr. Ketcham, who died Feb. 8 at the age of 50, was known for promoting vocations in the way he lived the Gospel and celebrated Mass. (Provided photo/Greg Taylor)

In more than two decades of ministry, Msgr. Gregory Ketcham touched countless lives. Among them were the many students at St. John’s Catholic Newman Center in Champaign who discerned their vocation to the priesthood, consecrated life and holy marriages from the way he celebrated Mass and boldly proclaimed the Gospel with his life during his […]

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Diocesan pilgrims travel to Oklahoma for beatification of Fr. Stanley Rother

Sister M. Loretta Matas, DSF, of Lacon venerates the relic of Blessed Stanley Rother before the Mass for his beatification begins in Oklahoma City. The regional superior of the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi, she said to have the beatification take place in the United States was a blessing for the whole church. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

OKLAHOMA CITY — No one knows what will be asked of them when they make a commitment to follow Christ. Certainly Father Stanley Rother could not have known that he would be called to make the ultimate sacrifice when he volunteered to serve in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City’s mission in Guatemala. But on Sept. […]

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Seminarian Danny McShane strives to be transformed by God’s love, share it

Danny McShane of Lincoln is studying to be a priest for the Diocese of Peoria at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. (Photo by Nellie Photography)

Danny McShane already has a wealth of experience to bring to priestly ministry. A seminarian at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, he organized Mount2000, a eucharistic retreat offered entirely by the seminarians for more than 1,000 high school students, this year. For the last two summers, he has been responsible for running Emmaus […]

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