
Support St. Bede chaplain, 70, and students as they ‘polar plunge’ for Special Olympics

Father Ronald Margherio, OSB, chaplain of St. Bede Academy in Peru, leaps with students into the chilly Illinois River during a polar plunge last year. Father Ronald, who just turned 70, will take the plunge again -- joined by 40 St. Bede students -- on Feb. 29 in Mendota to raise money for Special Olympics. (Provided photo)

PERU — What better way for a priest to celebrate turning 70 than by running fully clothed into a lake of frigid water on the last day of February? “It should be fun,” said Father Ronald Margherio, OSB, chaplain of St. Bede Academy in Peru, in anticipating a Leap Day plunge into Lake Mendota on […]

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10,208 students are enrolled this year at Catholic schools in the Diocese of Peoria

Anna Sheley, Kinzley Bolen, Zoey Steinberg and Jase Bone, kindergartners at Carroll Catholic School in Lincoln, hold a sign welcoming the Priests Pedaling for Prayers in October. Meanwhile, the welcome mat that has been out for prospective students at the school has made this Carroll Catholic's largest kindergarten class since 2000. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Mirroring the national trend in Catholic school enrollment, the number of students in the 43 elementary and secondary Catholic schools and academies located in the Diocese of Peoria has declined from 10,488 in 2018-2019 to 10,208 this year. The loss of 280 students represents a decline of 2.7 percent, according to Jerry Sanderson, associate superintendent […]

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Father Dale Maloy, 91, dies; funeral Mass is Saturday at Holy Cross Church, Mendota

Father Dale Maloy

MENDOTA – Father Dale R. Maloy, whose priestly ministry included three decades of service as an advocate and associate judge with the diocesan Marriage Tribunal, died on June 17, 2019. He was 91. A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered this Saturday, June 22, at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Church, 1010 Jefferson St., […]

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Widespread prayer, support after sudden death of Holy Cross, Mendota, student

Karl Soliman

MENDOTA — Holy Cross School here, as well as extended Catholic school communities throughout the region and diocese, joined in mourning, prayer and remembrance this week following the death of a Holy Cross seventh grade student who collapsed Dec. 1 while taking part in a basketball tournament at Lincoln Junior High in LaSalle. A funeral […]

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Mass of Christian Burial planned for March 24 for Deacon Vincent Slomian

MENDOTA – A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Saturday, March 24, at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Church for Deacon Vincent L. Slomian. Interment will take place in Holy Cross Cemetery with military rites by Mendota VFW Post 4079. Visitation is planned for Friday, March 23, from 2 to 7 p.m. and […]

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Awards bestowed as Mass, luncheon with principals closes school year in diocese

Among those recognized by the Office of Catholic Schools at its year-end Mass and luncheon with principals were, from left: Krista Hinkley of The High School of Saint Thomas More, Distinguished Teacher; Anita Kobilsek of Holy Cross School in Mendota, Distinguished Principal; Father William Miller of Costa Catholic Academy in Galesburg, Distinguished Pastor, and Sally Martin of St. Mary School in Kickapoo, Distinguished Teacher. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Encouraging the principals of Catholic schools around the Diocese of Peoria to savor every moment of their summer vacation, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, said he looked forward to seeing them rested and “all charged up” in the fall. At the Mass marking the end of the school year, which was held in the Our […]

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Sr. Dorothea Songeroth, OP, native of Mendota, hailed as ‘superhero’ in book

Sister Dorothea Sondgeroth, OP, (right) is featured in a new book about the life and ministry of the Springfield Dominicans at St. Dominic Health Services in Jackson, Mississippi. With her are Sister Kathleen Anne Tait, OP, and Robert and Melinda McElligott. Robert’s late aunt, Sister Maura McElligott, was one of the founders of St. Dominic’s. (Provided photo)

She may not wear a mask and cape, but Sister Dorothea Sondgeroth, OP, has the ability to lift heavy hearts and spirits, along with prayer. The Mendota native’s life and work are profiled in “A Sister’s Love: The Story of the Dominican Sisters at St. Dominic’s.” Written by journalist and author Joe Maxwell, the book […]

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Sisters’ baptisms after a school Mass offer lessons at Holy Cross in Mendota

With help from her godfather, Craig Doran, Linda MacDonald, 5, is lifted over the baptismal font at Holy Cross Church in Mendota so Father Peter Pilon, pastor, can pour water on her head. Looking on his her sister, Kaylee, 6, who would be baptized next. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

MENDOTA — Surrounded by their community of faith at Holy Cross School, Kaylee and Linda MacDonald were baptized after an all-school Mass during Catholic Schools Week. The timing may have been coincidental, but still offered a lesson on the importance of Catholic schools, according to their pastor. Being students in a Catholic school helped them […]

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Anita Kobilsek of Holy Cross, Mendota, is diocese’s 2016-17 Distinguished Principal

Principal Anita Kobilsek reads to first-graders Kaylee MacDonald, Gabriel Bunch, and Corbin Doll of Holy Cross School in Mendota. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

MENDOTA — While it is a given that students will achieve academic success at Holy Cross School, principal Anita Kobilsek wants so much more for them. “This is my underlying philosophy: that the kids know, love and serve Jesus, that they know Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist — body, blood, soul and divinity […]

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