
St. Francis ‘sunk his hooks into me,’ says troubador in return to Peoria parish

Dressed in a simple habit, James Twyman sings about peace and love as he channels St. Francis of Assisi during "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" at Holy Familiy Church in Peoria on Feb. 1. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

On his way to New York City, James Twyman eagerly returned to Holy Family Church in Peoria, where his lifelong love of St. Francis of Assisi began — although he doesn’t use such gentle terms to describe it. Pointing to the chair in the sanctuary where he sat as an altar boy, he told those […]

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Taryn Watkins is consecrated to Christ in the Order of Virgins at cathedral rite

Kneeling before Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Taryn Watkins states her intention to follow Christ "in a life of perfect chastity." With them are priests who played a role in her discernment and formation as a consecrated virgin. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Declaring her resolve “to follow Christ in a life of perfect chastity,” Taryn Watkins was consecrated to the Order of Virgins by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, on Dec. 8. The ritual took place during the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. The bishop said that with her consecration, Watkins would be […]

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St. Philomena teacher to be consecrated to Order of Virgins at cathedral Dec. 8

The symbols of a vocation to consecrated virginity include a wedding veil and ring, to signify the spousal relationship between the consecrated virgin and the Lord, and the Liturgy of the Hours so that she can enter in the prayer of the church. (Provided photo by Taryn Watkins)

Taryn Watkins can’t wait to share what God has been doing in her life. She will do that on Sunday, Dec. 8, when she is consecrated to the Order of Virgins by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. The ritual will take place during the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. “The process […]

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Vigils, extra events as 40 Days for Life set Sept. 25-Nov. 3 at three sites in diocese

Concerned individuals and parish groups are invited to take part in coordinated campaigns of prayer, fasting, and peaceful public vigils to end abortion during 40 Days for Life outreaches planned in the Diocese of Peoria and around the nation from Sept. 25 to Nov. 3. Daily vigils, at which participants also pray for help and […]

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After 20 years, perpetual adoration ends, new program begins at Holy Family, Peoria

After leading prayers and removing the Blessed Sacrament, Father Giles Gilbert, OFM Conv., closes the doors over the monstrance for the last time in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy Family in Peoria on Aug. 1. After nearly 21 years, a new program of eucharistic adoration began Aug. 2. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

More than 20 years of perpetual eucharistic adoration came to an end at Holy Family Parish in Peoria on Aug. 1 as a quiet procession, led by Father Giles Gilbert, OFM Conv., accompanied Jesus from the adoration chapel in the parish center to the church. On Friday, Aug. 2, parishioners and friends started spending time […]

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‘Prayers are powerful’: Peoria abortion provider planning to close its doors

Sister Mary Jo Yutt, OSF is pictured in prayer outside Whole Woman's Health of Peoria in this 2018 file photo. Sister Mary Jo and the area's pro-life community are reacting with joy and gratitude to an announcement that the abortion provider has announced plans to close. Seen in the background is the pro-life Women's Care Center, which will continue to serve and support pregnant women in need. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Even as legislation to expand access to abortion was making quick progress through the Illinois House and Senate last week, respect life advocates took heart from the announcement that a Peoria abortion provider would be closing. In a statement sent to The Catholic Post on May 30, Amy Hagstrom Miller, president and CEO of Whole […]

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Women’s Care Center receives 2019 Evangelium Vitae award for pro-life work

The Women's Care Center at 7319 N. University in Peoria, shown above, is one of 32 such centers in the United States. The national Women's Care Center organization is the recipient of the 2019 Evangelium Vitae Award.

SOUTH BEND, Indiana — The national Women’s Care Center organization was presented the 2019 Evangelium Vitae Award in ceremonies at the University of Notre Dame on April 27 in recognition of its outstanding pro-life efforts. The award is named for a 1995 encyclical by St. John Paul II whose title means “The Gospel of Life.” […]

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Group prays rosary for the defeat of proposed Illinois abortion legislation

Facing an image of Mary, Father John Verrier leads dozens of participants in prayer during the Peoria Pro-Life Rosary Rally on April 13 in downtown Peoria. It was held to seek the defeat of proposed abortion legislation in the Illinois General Assembly. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Trusting in the Blessed Mother and her promise to intercede on our behalf, dozens of people gathered in front of the Peoria County Courthouse April 13 to pray the rosary for the defeat of proposed abortion legislation in the Illinois General Assembly. “We dedicate this rosary to give courage to pro-life legislators in the Illinois […]

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‘Hunger Feast’ at St. Philomena, Peoria, shows food disparity, encourages action

Matthew Baker leads a discussion with those eating rice and beans as members of the group representing underdeveloped nations at the St. Philomena School Hunger Feast in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

When the seventh-graders at St. Philomena School in Peoria recently invited people to join them for dinner, they had three options available: rice and beans, a sack lunch, or a three-course meal of pulled pork, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and chocolate cake. The guests didn’t get to choose which dinner they would receive, however. […]

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N.Y. Appellate Court unanimously rules Sheen remains may be moved to Peoria

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is pictured preaching in an undated photo. (CNS file photo)

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following news release was distributed by the Catholic Diocese of Peoria on Tuesday afternoon, March 5. PEORIA — It is again with great joy that Bishop Daniel Jenky, Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, and Promoter of the Cause for Canonization of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, announces the unanimous decision of the New York State Supreme […]

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