
‘Hunger Feast’ at St. Philomena, Peoria, shows food disparity, encourages action

Matthew Baker leads a discussion with those eating rice and beans as members of the group representing underdeveloped nations at the St. Philomena School Hunger Feast in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

When the seventh-graders at St. Philomena School in Peoria recently invited people to join them for dinner, they had three options available: rice and beans, a sack lunch, or a three-course meal of pulled pork, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and chocolate cake. The guests didn’t get to choose which dinner they would receive, however. […]

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‘Hunger Feast’ at St. Philomena School in Peoria opens eyes, hearts to inequalities

As junior high teacher Amy Murphy and student Morgan Varwig served bowls of rice and beans at the St. Philomena Hunger Feast on April 5 in Peoria, signs throughout the gym raised awareness of hunger globally and locally. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Irene VanderVennet was out to dinner with her grandson, Charlie Shadid, and a group of friends. There were fresh flowers and nice china on the table set for 10, the food was varied and plentiful, and the servers were doting and friendly. Just a matter of feet away, however — and well within Charlie and […]

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