
‘Distinguished’ Nauvoo teacher honored for work she has never considered a job

Connie Lake works on math equations with sixth-grader Clair Powelson in her combined fifth- and sixth-grade classroom at Sts. Peter and Paul School in Nauvoo. She said she hopes the students learn to believe in themselves and become committed leaders for Christ by the time they go on to junior high school. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

NAUVOO — Connie Lake is a lifelong teacher. Even as a child, the Nauvoo native taught her younger brother and two younger sisters at home, and assisted the special education teacher while attending Nauvoo-Colusa High School. This year marks Lake’s 35th anniversary as a classroom teacher, with all of those years spent at her alma […]

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Office of Catholic Schools names Distinguished Pastor, Teacher for 2017-18

In addition to Distinguished Principal Maureen Bentley, two other “distinguished” members of Catholic school communities in central Illinois are being honored by the Diocese of Peoria’s Office of Catholic Schools this year. They are: Distinguished Pastor: Msgr. Thomas Mack of Immaculate Conception School, Monmouth. He has been pastor at the Monmouth parish, as well as […]

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As Year of Mercy nears Nov. 20 end, its fruits are evident around diocese

Father Tom Otto opens the Holy Door at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Nauvoo at the conclusion of a 17-mile Walk to Mercy pilgrimage on Sept. 24. The Year of Mercy ends on Nov. 20. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

As the Jubilee Year of Mercy draws to a close, it is with grateful hearts that pastors, chaplains and pastoral ministers note that people of all ages accepted the invitation to experience God’s mercy for themselves and extend it to others. “I’ve had the grace of being the pastor of two Holy Doors — the […]

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Pilgrims take prayer on the road for Walk to Mercy in Hancock County

Father Tom Otto heard confessions and talked with pilgrims as they made the Walk to Mercy on Sept. 24. The pilgrimage covered 17 miles of Hancock County roads, starting in Dallas City and ending at the Holy Door at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Nauvoo. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

NAUVOO — First came the Holy Door and prayers of thanksgiving inside Sts. Peter and Paul Church. Then the pilgrims on the Walk to Mercy sought out shade, water and a place take off their shoes as they celebrated the completion of their 17-mile journey from Dallas City. Some had developed blisters, while others contended […]

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Join 17-mile ‘Walk to Mercy’ pilgrimage from Dallas City to Nauvoo on Sept. 24

The "Walk to Mercy" begins at Sacred Heart Church in Warsaw, left, and ends 17 miles away at the Holy Door at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Nauvoo, right.

DALLAS CITY — Catholics in Hancock County are going the extra mile — 17 of them, in fact — to enter the Holy Door at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Nauvoo. The “Walk to Mercy” will begin at Sacred Heart Church, Fifth and Cedar, at 7 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 24. Citing pilgrimage as […]

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Diocese receives, celebrates and shares the gift of Divine Mercy at services

Father Daniel Gifford offers a reflection on Divine Mercy at St. John's Catholic Chapel in Champaign, the site of one of several regional celebrations in the Diocese of Peoria on April 3. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

CHAMPAIGN — The Door of Mercy at St. John’s Catholic Chapel was well used on Divine Mercy Sunday as people entered to seek the sacrament of reconciliation, pray before the Blessed Sacrament, and sing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy together. The door swings both ways, however, Father Daniel Gifford reminded them during his reflection on […]

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Nauvoo church is added as a diocesan Year of Mercy pilgrimage site

Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Nauvoo

Pilgrims seeking to pass through designated Holy Doors of Mercy in the Diocese of Peoria will soon have a seventh local option. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has named Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Nauvoo as an official Mercy Door and pilgrimage site for the Holy Year of Mercy. The Holy Door at Sts. […]

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