
For Distinguished Teacher of the Year Eileen Lohr, ‘it’s a job, but it’s fun’

Surrounded by her kindergarten class at St. Vincent de Paul School in Peoria, Eileen Lohr said the key to working with them is helping them believe they can do anything, in small steps. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

When Eileen Lohr was first approached to teach kindergarten at St. Vincent de Paul School in Peoria, she was inclined to decline. “I had never taught kindergarten,” she told The Post. “I did a lot of volunteering and summer camps, but not kindergarten. I didn’t know if I could do it.” That was 21 years […]

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‘Distinguished’ Nauvoo teacher honored for work she has never considered a job

Connie Lake works on math equations with sixth-grader Clair Powelson in her combined fifth- and sixth-grade classroom at Sts. Peter and Paul School in Nauvoo. She said she hopes the students learn to believe in themselves and become committed leaders for Christ by the time they go on to junior high school. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

NAUVOO — Connie Lake is a lifelong teacher. Even as a child, the Nauvoo native taught her younger brother and two younger sisters at home, and assisted the special education teacher while attending Nauvoo-Colusa High School. This year marks Lake’s 35th anniversary as a classroom teacher, with all of those years spent at her alma […]

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Office of Catholic Schools names Distinguished Pastor, Teacher for 2017-18

In addition to Distinguished Principal Maureen Bentley, two other “distinguished” members of Catholic school communities in central Illinois are being honored by the Diocese of Peoria’s Office of Catholic Schools this year. They are: Distinguished Pastor: Msgr. Thomas Mack of Immaculate Conception School, Monmouth. He has been pastor at the Monmouth parish, as well as […]

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The High School of Saint Thomas More’s Krista Hinkley is Distinguished Teacher

"I love Saint Thomas More. I love being a part of Catholic education," says Krista Hinkley (center), one of two educators recognized this year by the Office of Catholic Education as Distinguished Teachers. (Provided photo)

CHAMPAIGN — Krista Hinkley never wanted a job that would just pay the bills. She was looking for something she could love and feel passionate about, something that would never leave her feeling like she was counting down the minutes to the end of the day. Serving as an English teacher at The High School […]

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St. Mary, Kickapoo, ‘the place for me,’ says one of diocese’s ‘Distinguished Teachers’

Sally Martin enjoys the playfulness of "my 10 little men" at St. Mary School in Kickapoo. "They're my energy," she said. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

KICKAPOO — Walking into a classroom of 52 third-graders might seem like a daunting task, but for Sally Martin it was a defining moment in a career that has spanned five decades. Another came this month when Martin, who teaches a combined class of third- and fourth-graders at St. Mary School, was named one of […]

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