
Jubilee Year of Mercy concludes with closing of Holy Doors around diocese

Msgr. Stanley Deptula, rector of St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria, uses a gavel to knock three times on the Holy Door there, ritually sealing it "until the next Jubilee." With this action, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, brought the Jubilee Year of Mercy to an end in the Diocese of Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

  Commanding the rector of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Msgr. Stanley Deptula, to seal the Holy Door there, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, brought to a close the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Diocese of Peoria. Walking to the main interior door of the cathedral, Msgr. Deptula used a gavel to knock on it three […]

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Teaching truth is an expression of love, mercy writes Bishop Jenky in “Choice”

The “greatest possible expression of Christian mercy” the Catholic Church can offer a contemporary culture that celebrates unrestrained personal choice is to “boldly preach the truth, in season and out of season,” according to Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. “The first and greatest truth to which we must always give persistent witness is that Jesus […]

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As Year of Mercy nears Nov. 20 end, its fruits are evident around diocese

Father Tom Otto opens the Holy Door at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Nauvoo at the conclusion of a 17-mile Walk to Mercy pilgrimage on Sept. 24. The Year of Mercy ends on Nov. 20. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

As the Jubilee Year of Mercy draws to a close, it is with grateful hearts that pastors, chaplains and pastoral ministers note that people of all ages accepted the invitation to experience God’s mercy for themselves and extend it to others. “I’ve had the grace of being the pastor of two Holy Doors — the […]

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St. Pius X, Rock Island, to model mercy by adopting Congolese refugee family

St. Pius X Church in Rock Island is the site of one of the Diocese of Peoria's offical holy doors for the Year of Mercy. Parishioners have told Barb Roedel that adopting a refugee family is a "wonderful outreach of mercy in the Year of Mercy." (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

  ROCK ISLAND — Members of St. Pius X Parish are getting involved in the world’s refugee crisis in a deeply personal way as they prepare to welcome a Congolese family to the Quad Cities. It is an answer to prayer, according to Msgr. Mark Merdian, pastor. “With the pope’s emphasis on this for the […]

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Moline parish hosts timely prayer service for healing, peace in our nation

Denise Maynard prays the Our Father with nearly 200 others who attended a Prayer Service for Peace and Healing in our Country hosted July 10 by Sacred Heart Church in Moline. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

MOLINE — In a summer already tainted by terrorism and escalating racial tensions, and in the days before the opening of the Republican and Democratic national conventions, nearly 200 Catholics of the Quad Cities region gathered Sunday to pray for healing and peace in our nation. The afternoon service at Sacred Heart Church here was […]

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Diocesan Summer Institute returns June 4 as free gift with Year of Mercy theme

The Diocesan Summer Institute is back. “Into the Depths of Mercy” is the theme for the gathering, which will be held Saturday, June 4, from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Peoria Civic Center. It is being relaunched at the request of Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, who is offering it as a gift […]

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Year of Mercy bags boost home prayer for Epiphany School families in Normal

Molli Wey and Summer Clark look over the materials in the Year of Mercy bag before the Epiphany School third-grader takes it home. She's the first one in her family to get the bag and said she was looking forward to praying the rosary. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

NORMAL — It’s not unusual for homework and other important information to go home with the students of Epiphany Catholic School each week, but that looks a little different during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Msgr. Eric Powell, pastor, and religion teacher Karen Overby collaborated to develop 10 Year of Mercy bags filled with prayer […]

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