
“Downhill” (Fox Searchlight)

Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus star in a scene from the movie "Downhill." The Catholic News Service classification is L -- limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling. (CNS/Fox)

By Catholic News Service Awkward moments abound in this comedy about a husband and father (Will Ferrell) whose momentary act of cowardice suddenly alters how his spouse (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and two sons (Julian Grey and Ammon Ford) view him. In adapting Ruben Ostlund’s 2014 film “Force Majeure,” directors and co-writers (with Jesse Armstrong) Nat Faxon […]

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Illinois natives and ‘brothers in faith’ envision 12-part TV series on Fulton Sheen

Both natives of central Illinois and sons of permanent deacons of the Diocese of Peoria, Dieterich Gray (left) and Sean Patrick Fahey (right) didn't really get to know each other until they moved to Los Angeles for work in television and film. Now they're a creative team hoping to bring Venerable Fulton Sheen to a new generation. (Provided photo)

Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen will be introduced to a whole new generation if Sean Patrick Fahey and Dieterich Gray have anything to say about it. The central Illinois natives have spent the last six years getting to know Fulton Sheen and developing “Wolves & Sheep,” which they envision as a 12-part series that will explore […]

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Diocese plans multi-ministry stewardship, evangelization conference on March 5

“Working from Why” is the theme of a stewardship and evangelization conference to be offered by the Diocese of Peoria on Thursday, March 5, at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. The conference, which runs from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., replaces the diocese’s biennial development and stewardship conferences and expands the invitation to a […]

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Support St. Bede chaplain, 70, and students as they ‘polar plunge’ for Special Olympics

Father Ronald Margherio, OSB, chaplain of St. Bede Academy in Peru, leaps with students into the chilly Illinois River during a polar plunge last year. Father Ronald, who just turned 70, will take the plunge again -- joined by 40 St. Bede students -- on Feb. 29 in Mendota to raise money for Special Olympics. (Provided photo)

PERU — What better way for a priest to celebrate turning 70 than by running fully clothed into a lake of frigid water on the last day of February? “It should be fun,” said Father Ronald Margherio, OSB, chaplain of St. Bede Academy in Peru, in anticipating a Leap Day plunge into Lake Mendota on […]

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Presenters to offer ‘Tools for the Marriage Tool Box’ Feb. 22 at Moline parish

Bridget Brennan and Jerry Shen of The Cana Institute.

MOLINE — Sacred Heart Church will offer a marriage enrichment seminar designed to give couples “Tools for the Marriage Tool Box” on Saturday, Feb. 22. It will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Culemans Fellowship Hall, 1400 16th Ave., and feature Bridget Brennan and Jerry Shen of The Cana Institute. Brennan and […]

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St. Francis ‘sunk his hooks into me,’ says troubador in return to Peoria parish

Dressed in a simple habit, James Twyman sings about peace and love as he channels St. Francis of Assisi during "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" at Holy Familiy Church in Peoria on Feb. 1. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

On his way to New York City, James Twyman eagerly returned to Holy Family Church in Peoria, where his lifelong love of St. Francis of Assisi began — although he doesn’t use such gentle terms to describe it. Pointing to the chair in the sanctuary where he sat as an altar boy, he told those […]

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Sale of spaghetti sauce with local recipe benefits shrine to war veterans in LaSalle

Father Paul Carlson and Bob Lipka hold jars of Dalla Campanella, a newly marketed three-meat spaghetti sauce made from a traditional recipe from northern Italy perfected by the late Msgr. Simon Bernardi. Profits from its sales help maintain the Queen of the Holy Rosary diocesan shrine to war veterans in LaSalle, seen in the background. Lipka, his wife Pam, and Father Carlson -- pastor of the LaSalle Catholic parishes and rector of the shrine -- collaborated to bring the sauce to market. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

LASALLE — Before Lent begins, here’s a story with some meat to it. Tomato sauce, assorted vegetables, and spices, too. The LaSalle Catholic parishes have brought to market a three-meat spaghetti sauce, the sales of which help financially support the Queen of the Holy Rosary diocesan shrine to war veterans. More than 1,500 jars of […]

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Little Disciples Preschool site is blessed at St. Mary, Pontiac; will open in August

Father Adam Cesarek, administrator, sprinkles holy water in blessing of the space that will house Little Disciples Preschool at St. Mary Parish and School next fall. A place of honor was reserved for the future preschoolers in front of the current students and parishioners after the Catholic Schools Week Mass on Jan. 31. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

PONTIAC — St. Mary Parish and School has taken the next step in building a strong community of disciples by blessing a space that will welcome the youngest among them. With Scripture, prayer and a sprinkling of holy water by Father Adam Cesarek, administrator, Little Disciples Preschool became the newest center for early childhood education […]

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“Birds of Prey” (Warner Bros.)

Margot Robbie stars in a scene from the movie "Birds of Prey." The Catholic News Service classification is O -- morally offensive. (CNS/Warner Bros.)

By Catholic News Service Intended as a tart treat, this DC Comics adaptation instead comes across as a sour exercise in random mayhem. Margot Robbie plays Harley Quinn, the psychiatrist who fell for Batman’s nemesis, the Joker, while treating him at an asylum. After the two split, she finds herself vulnerable without his protection and […]

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From Kobe Bryant to outdoor weddings, Bishop Jenky answers students’ questions

Bishop Jenky answers questions from junior leaders at Peoria Notre Dame during his Catholic Schools Week visit to the high school on Jan. 31. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

“Could Kobe Bryant become a saint?” “If God loves us so much, why would he punish us to eternity in hell?” “What is something that you wish you could tell all the young people of the church?” Those were just three of the nearly 20 questions that junior class leaders at Peoria Notre Dame High […]

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