
Illinois natives and ‘brothers in faith’ envision 12-part TV series on Fulton Sheen

Both natives of central Illinois and sons of permanent deacons of the Diocese of Peoria, Dieterich Gray (left) and Sean Patrick Fahey (right) didn't really get to know each other until they moved to Los Angeles for work in television and film. Now they're a creative team hoping to bring Venerable Fulton Sheen to a new generation. (Provided photo)

Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen will be introduced to a whole new generation if Sean Patrick Fahey and Dieterich Gray have anything to say about it. The central Illinois natives have spent the last six years getting to know Fulton Sheen and developing “Wolves & Sheep,” which they envision as a 12-part series that will explore […]

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Diocese preparing to move Sheen to Peoria; responds to NY statement

The New York court has granted Joan Sheen Cunningham the right to remove the remains of her uncle, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (pictured), from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City for transfer to St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria.

The Diocese of Peoria issued the following statement June 12 regarding the transfer of the remains of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen from St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York to St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria, and addresses a statement issued yesterday, June 11, by the Archdiocese of New York. Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen: Preparations Begin […]

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