
First “Abide in Me” diocesan youth retreat draws 150 deeper into the Catholic faith

The gym at Corpus Christi School in Bloomington was transformed into a place of worship for the Diocese of Peoria's Abide in Me high school youth retreat, including a "burning bush" tower of candles in the center that often held the Blessed Sacrament exposed for adoration. Pictured is the procession at the close of Mass on Sunday. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

BLOOMINGTON — Some of the 150 high school youth who took part in a diocesan retreat Nov. 3-5 came tired and stressed from busy school and activity schedules. Others attended reluctantly, prodded by parents or friends. But after spending 40 hours with Catholic peers from around the diocese — and in the constant presence of […]

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Bloomington pair, deaf since childhood, celebrate 50 years of marriage, family

Judith Meisenbach signs “I do” as she and her husband of 50 years, George, renew their marriage vows at the Diocese of Peoria’s Anniversary Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Sept. 24. Both Judith and George, members of St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington, have been deaf since childhood. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

When nearly 100 golden and silver anniversary couples renewed their marriage vows at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Sept. 24, George and Judith Meisenbach of Bloomington — standing in a front pew — were the only ones not to voice “I do” to one another. They signed it. Both George and Judith, members of […]

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Joy in Bloomington as Central Catholic is named a National Blue Ribbon School

Central Catholic High School in Bloomington is the fifth school in the Diocese of Peoria to be named a National Blue Ribbon School in the last seven years, and the only Catholic high school in the state to receive the distinction this year. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — Central Catholic High School has been named a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. The announcement was made on Sept. 28 by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. One of 50 private schools nominated for the distinction by the Council for American Private Education, Central Catholic was the only Catholic […]

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From dream to reality: Junior high wing blessed at Corpus Christi, Bloomington

Principal Gwenn Roche helps Nicholas Weisiger with the scissors while his brother Matthew is ready to cut through the ribbon at the Mass celebrating the completion of the new junior high wing at Corpus Christi School in Bloomington. Looking on is Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — A dream many years in the making came true Aug. 30 when the students, faculty, and families of Corpus Christi School came together to celebrate the completion of the new junior high wing. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, joined them for Mass in the school gym. The $1.6 million addition unites the school, […]

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Relic’s two stops in Bloomington-Normal included a rosary walk and a Mass

Amy Snell, a member of Immaculate Conception Parish in Monmouth, contemplates the relic of St. John Paul II as it rests in the St. Robert Bellarmine Chapel at the St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center in Normal Aug. 18. The traveling relic has been entrusted to the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who minister at the Newman Center. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — As he did in life, St. John Paul II continued to inspire people to pray and draw closer to Jesus when a first class relic, a vial of his blood encased in a Book of the Gospels, was brought to the Bloomington-Normal area on Aug. 18. At the Newman Center that bears his […]

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Blessing Aug. 30 for new wing of Corpus Christi Catholic School, Bloomington

The hallway of the new junior high wing at Corpus Christi School in Bloomington filled quickly Aug. 10 as students and parents explored the building's six classrooms and put school supplies away in lockers. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — “One School, One Family.” That’s more than a theme for this new academic year at Corpus Christi Catholic School. It’s an exciting new reality as the grade school and junior high school are located in the same building for the first time. Construction on the 8,500-square-foot junior high wing was completed in July […]

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Public praise, adoration offered at Corpus Christi processions in diocese

Priests from the Peoria and Pekin vicariates, including Father Patrick Henehan carrying the Blessed Sacrament beneath a canopy, leard 150 participants in a Corpus Christi procession across the grounds of the motherhouse of The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis in East Peoria on June 18. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Hundreds of Catholics in the Diocese of Peoria joined in public demonstrations of their love for Jesus in the Eucharist during several Corpus Christi processions hosted by parishes and institutions on June 18, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This year, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, gave enhanced significance to […]

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Fr. Thomas Shea dies at 80; remembered at funeral Mass as ‘advocate for the poor’

Father Thomas Shea

BLOOMINGTON — A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated April 28 at St. Patrick Church of Merna here for Father Thomas S. Shea, 80, a former pastor of St. Paul Parish in Danville who spent his retirement years in his hometown of Bloomington. Father Shea died on Saturday, April 22, 2017, at Heritage Health in […]

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New wing at Bloomington school will unite student body on one campus

Taking a moment to commemorate the groundbreaking for the new junior high wing at Corpus Christi Catholic School in Bloomington are (from left) Faith Banister; Ava Sivore; Bridget Wieland; architect David Leggans; contractors Paul Berns and Bob Berns; principal Gwenn Roche; Father Tony Lee, pastor, and Father Jeff Windy, parochial vicar, of Holy Trinity and Historic St. Patrick parishes, Bloomington; Father Dustin Schultz, then administrator of St. Patrick Church of Merna, Bloomington, and St. Mary, Downs; Dr. Sharon Weiss, superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Peoria; Father Michael Pica, parochial vicar of St. Patrick Church of Merna and St. Mary, Downs; Cole Certa; Liam Campbell; and Danny O’Brien. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — By next fall, the body of Christ will be one body at Corpus Christi Catholic School. Ground was broken for a new wing on Sept. 23 that will bring the junior high students to what is now the elementary school campus and unite the school at 1909 E. Lincoln St. Next year’s sixth- […]

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Msgr. Ketcham returns to Bloomington; will attend parish prayer service

Msgr. Greg Ketcham is pictured with his sister, Clarisse Slater, in Houston, Texas, where the pastor of St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington and St. Mary, Downs, has been receiving treatment for brain cancer. Their t-shirts bear the slogan Msgr. Ketcham has emphasized throughout his treatment, that "Jesus reigns." (Photo from

BLOOMINGTON — Saying “I feel strong and am excited to be with you soon,” Msgr. Gregory Ketcham is returning to his parishes today during a break in his treatment for brain cancer. Msgr. Ketcham, pastor of St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington and St. Mary in Downs, has been at MD Anderson Cancer Center […]

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