
Needed: a mobile device examination of conscience

It was a glorious summer day. The lunch hour crowd that gathered in the downtown courthouse plaza was bathed in sunshine, as were the cascades of blooming flowers and the fountains with waters so remarkably blue one wondered if they had been artificially colored. They had not. The tall surrounding buildings seemed to pierce the […]

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Common sense lost in our polarized society

Should it be so difficult to come to an agreement over the proper regulation of military-style assault weapons? Should it be so divisive to require abortion clinics to comply with the standards of ambulatory surgical centers? Apparently the answer in our nearly 240-year-old nation is “yes.” Those are just the latest examples of societal problems […]

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Graduates, heed jubilarians’ advice

The 2016 Jubilarian section published in the May 22 issue of The Catholic Post can be accessed by clicking on the E-Edition link on this page.

  Inside this feature-packed issue of The Catholic Post is hidden a wonderful commencement speech for Catholics graduating from high schools and colleges this month. Our special section profiling priests, deacons, and consecrated men and women marking major anniversary years alone contains a treasure trove of advice. We hope all of our readers will dig […]

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Follow the advice of our Blessed Mother

A child places a crown of flowers on a statue of Mary during a May Crowning ceremony. The month of May is devoted to Mary and is traditionally celebrated with a crowning and praying of the rosary. (File photo/CNS)

In this month of May, on this page devoted to the advice of mothers, we would do well to recall the advice of our Blessed Mother, Mary. We can’t go wrong if we follow Mother Mary’s advice to the servants at the Cana wedding feast: “Do whatever (Jesus) tells you.” What is Jesus asking of […]

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Run, Mother, run

The story of Mother Angelica's visit to Peoria from the front page of the March 31, 1985, edition of The Catholic Post.

When Mother Angelica died on Easter Sunday, March 27, we searched our files for a time the foundress of the Eternal Word Television Network visited the Diocese of Peoria. It turned out to be 31 years ago almost to the day. It wasn’t Easter that brought Mother Angelica, then a 61-year-old dynamo, to Peoria on […]

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Are women more religious than men?

Women, especially among Christians around the world, generally are more devout than men by several standard measures, according to a Pew Research Center report released Tuesday. In the United States in particular, women of all religions are more likely than men to say they pray daily (64 percent to 47 percent); attend religious services at […]

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Prepare for voting by reading election-year guidance from the U.S. bishops

Back in November, as the debates for the Democratic and Republican presidential races were just beginning, the U.S. Catholic bishops were having their own debate about politics during their annual fall general assembly. The debate preceded votes on “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” a document the bishops revise and publish every four years as the […]

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Don’t give up Lent for Lent

There are so many wonderful resources to help us observe a meaningful Lent beyond giving up chocolate. The important thing is to select one or a few that will lead us closer to Christ as we walk through the penitential season. With Ash Wednesday’s arrival this week, these days of grace have already begun. During […]

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World Day of the Sick on Feb. 11 is a mercy opportunity

Is your prayer list for people who are sick as long as mine? Maybe it’s the pervasive communication of social media, maybe it’s that I and my peers are getting older, but every day seems to bring news of another friend, family member or friend-of-a-friend diagnosed with cancer, facing surgery, or being hospitalized with an […]

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