Catholic Schools Week celebrates “salvific mission” Jan. 26 – Feb. 1

Catholic Schools Week is Jan. 26 – Feb. 1, 2025

Jerry Sanderson, superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Peoria, says Catholic School Week is a time when parents and students, teachers, pastors, principals, parishioners, “all come together to celebrate this great salvific mission that we’ve been entrusted with in our schools.”

The various days of Schools Week traditionally emphasize different themes:

Sunday honors the parish; Monday highlights service to the community; Tuesday celebrates students; Wednesday is National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools; Thursday spotlights vocations; Friday salutes faculty, staff and volunteers, and the week concludes Saturday by acknowledging the indispensable contributions of families.

Sanderson adds that although these are the official designations for each day, “Sometimes schools will move those around if scheduling makes it more practical.”

The following is just a smattering of the Schools Week activities taking place across the diocese, in random order. If interested in finding out more, please contact your local school(s).

Jordan Catholic (PK-8), Rock Island

Monday, Jan. 27 – Students will be asked to collect grocery bags for the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. Junior High students will package them and deliver the following week.

Tuesday, Jan 28, 11-11:30 a.m. – Grades three through eight will participate in a World Mission Rosary on Zoom.

Wednesday, Jan. 29 – Local leaders or parents will be invited to school to share how their Catholic education prepared them for life.

Epiphany Catholic (PK-8), Normal

Wednesday, Jan. 29Speaker on vocations. Dress code for day: uniforms with crazy socks.

Friday, Jan. 31All School Mass at St Patrick of Merna Church.

Costa Catholic Academy (PK-8), Galesburg

Tuesday, Jan. 28, 8:10 a.m. – Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee (fifth-eighth grade-spellers) (fourth grade and down-spectators)

Saturday, Feb. 1 – Costa Performing Arts (CPA) will host a school wide Talent Show from 1 – 3 p.m. Families, students and staff are all invited to participate.

St. Vincent de Paul (PK-8), Peoria

Students will be divided into several “saint” houses and compete throughout the week in their house. At the end of the week, the house with the most points, wins!

Some of our faith-filled and fun-filled events include: house flags (representing their saint); Minute to Win It; bingo; World Mission Rosary; trivia; praise and worship; Eucharistic adoration.

Kindness rocks will be painted with school buddies.” – part of the Catholic Schools week agenda at Carroll Catholic in Lincoln

Blessed Sacrament (PK-8), Morton

Wednesday, Jan. 29 – Students and staff will take part a Eucharistic procession through the school, ending in Blessed Sacrament Church (school and church are attached).

St. Malachy (K-6), Geneseo

Monday, Jan. 27 – To celebrate appreciation of community, school is hosting “Pizza with the Police.”

St. Mary’s School (PK-8), Bloomington

Sunday, Jan. 26 – PK-8 students hear from SMS alumni about their experience at Central Catholic High School at all Masses.

Thursday, Jan. 30 – Family picnic and religion bee.

St. Mary’s School (PK-8) Kickapoo

Tuesday, Jan. 28 – The theme of the day is “Walking with Christ” and activities include a puppet show (PK-fourth grade), and a whole school scavenger hunt.

Friday, Jan. 31 – Students are invited to “Invite your Grand’People” to 8 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Church. As well, PK sings at Mass, then K-8 sings in the gym after Mass.

St. Thomas the Apostle School (PK-8), Peoria Heights

Tuesday, Jan. 28, 8:45 a.m. – Two-Star General (and STS alum) Dan McDonough will be coming to speak to students, along with his son Danny, who is joining the National Guard.

Thursday, Jan. 30 – The day’s agenda will include recognition of staff anniversaries, relay games, and will highlight the American Heart Association. The day will end with an eighth grade vs. faculty/staff volleyball game.

Carroll Catholic School (PK-8), Lincoln 

Monday, Jan. 27 – Kindness rocks will be painted with school buddies.

Tuesday, Jan. 28 – Older students will prepare a PowerPoint about their future careers and will be shared with younger students. Also, donations for the Holy Family Food Pantry will be collected.

Schlarman Academy (PK-12, North/South Campuses), Danville

Tuesday, Jan. 28 – Classes work on valentines for the VA during religion classes.

Friday, Jan. 31 – Pep rally in the morning (South Campus – 8:45 a.m.); pep rally afternoon (North Campus – 1:45p.m.) Recognition of staff at both campuses.




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