
“Star Trek Beyond” (Paramount)

Chris Pine, Sofia Boutella and Anton Yelchin star in a scene from the movie "Star Trek Beyond." The Catholic News Service classification is L -- limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling.(CNS /Paramount)

By Catholic News Service The 13th big-screen outing for the sci-fi franchise that began as a TV series in the 1960s is, overall, a rousing and rambunctious 3-D adventure. Capt. James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) of the Starship Enterprise and his crew (including Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana and Karl Urban) respond to a distress call […]

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St. Mary’s Food Pantry in Canton sees increased need in the summer months

Before administering the sacrament of confirmation at St. Mary Church in Canton on June 25, Bishop Daniel R. Jnky, CSC, toured St. Mary's Food Pantry and then blessed it. Accompanying him were Father Daniel Ebker, pastor; John Dudek, chairman of the food pantry committee; and committee members Vicki Pettett (left) and Nancy Elson. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

CANTON — When he saw the package of dinner rolls on the table, the little boy asked volunteers at St. Mary’s Food Pantry if his family could have them. They said his response was heartbreaking when he found out he could. “Dad, we get to keep this bread,” he cried. “His eyes were this round […]

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“Ghostbusters” (Columbia)

Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones star in a scene from the movie "Ghostbusters." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Sony)

By Catholic News Service The tone is light and the emphasis on special effects heavy in this 3-D reboot of the franchise that began with the eponymous 1984 comedy. Director and co-writer Paul Feig shifts the gender balance of the original as three parapsychologists (Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon) band together to track […]

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“The Infiltrator” (Broad Green)

Benjamin Bratt and Bryan Cranston star in a scene from the movie "The Infiltrator." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Broad Green Pictures)

By Catholic News Service Bankers, not cocaine smugglers, are the real villains in this lackluster adaptation of Robert Mazur’s memoir of his takedown of the Medellin drug cartel in the 1980s. Mazur (Bryan Cranston), a U.S. Customs agent, passes himself off as an international financier by day, yet manages to return each evening to a […]

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Rural Streator woman, 91, uses poetry to paint pictures of farm life and faith

Mary Wiesbrock of rural Streator stands on the farm she has called home for all of her 91 years. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

STREATOR — From her kitchen window, Mary Wiesbrock can see the fields of beans and corn on the farm she has called home for all of her 91 years. Also visible is Lostlands Cemetery, which is located down the road on land donated by her great-grandfather, Patrick Whalen. From her kitchen table, Mrs. Wiesbrock writes […]

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Needed: a mobile device examination of conscience

It was a glorious summer day. The lunch hour crowd that gathered in the downtown courthouse plaza was bathed in sunshine, as were the cascades of blooming flowers and the fountains with waters so remarkably blue one wondered if they had been artificially colored. They had not. The tall surrounding buildings seemed to pierce the […]

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Living in the presence of the Lord

By Sharon Priester Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/July 17 Genesis 18:1-10a; Psalm 15:2-3,3-4,5; Colossians 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42 In the Gospel reading last week, a scholar asked Jesus what he must do “to inherit eternal life.” (Luke 10:25) Jesus asked him, “What is written in the law? How do you read it?” (Luke 10:26) The scholar […]

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Totus Tuus brings summer faith formation — and fun — to Ottawa, 22 other sites

Emma Hardin leans forward as she and other Totus Tuus participants shout "Yes!" in response to Father Augustin Kassa, SMA, who asked if they believe Jesus can still heal the sick today. At the close of his homily, Father Kassa -- parochial vicar at St. Patrick and and St. Francis of Assisi parishes -- led the children in praying for family members and others who are ill. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

OTTAWA — Lydia Perilles enjoys being a team member of the weeklong faith experience for youth known as Totus Tuus that is being offered at 23 locations in the Diocese of Peoria this June and July. But that only begins to explain why the Fairview native and Monmouth College senior spends her summer sharing the […]

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Bake sales, blessings will help family experience World Youth Day together

Sporting their World Youth Day 2016 t-shirts are members of the Conley family of St. Mark Parish in Peoria, who will join a pilgrimage to Poland that is leaving July 15. From left are Maddie, 21, Drew, 14, Jack, 18, mother D’Arcy, and Grace, 16. Prayer intentions they have collected in recent months fill a large bowl on the table. The Conleys are shown with an image of St. John Paul II, the Poland native who initiated World Youth Day, that hangs in their living room. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

“If you’re going to fundraise for one, why not fundraise for all?” So says D’Arcy Conley in explaining how she and her four children — members of St. Mark Parish in Peoria — have been working since February to raise money to travel to Poland this month for World Youth Day with Pope Francis. With […]

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