
“What did you do this summer?” These students served others on mission trips

Those taking part in a mission trip to rural Pennsylvania with the CREW youth group from St. Patrick Parish in Urbana pose for a selfie in front of a cross at the Anawim Community, a congregation of Sisters based in Frenchville. (Provided photo)

As schools reopen and Catholic students from central Illinois are asked by classmates “What did you do this summer?,” hundreds will be able to answer that they served others by taking part in mission trips. “What makes mission trips so special is the ability to live out the faith through the call to service,” said […]

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Totus Tuus brings summer faith formation — and fun — to Ottawa, 22 other sites

Emma Hardin leans forward as she and other Totus Tuus participants shout "Yes!" in response to Father Augustin Kassa, SMA, who asked if they believe Jesus can still heal the sick today. At the close of his homily, Father Kassa -- parochial vicar at St. Patrick and and St. Francis of Assisi parishes -- led the children in praying for family members and others who are ill. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

OTTAWA — Lydia Perilles enjoys being a team member of the weeklong faith experience for youth known as Totus Tuus that is being offered at 23 locations in the Diocese of Peoria this June and July. But that only begins to explain why the Fairview native and Monmouth College senior spends her summer sharing the […]

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