
Respect Life observances begin; diocesan Mass for the Unborn to be offered Jan. 24

Longtime pro-life advocates Gary and Diane Spurgeon of Epiphany Parish in Normal are shown at March for Life Chicago on Jan. 11. Several events in the Diocese of Peoria this month will witness to the sanctity of human life as the 47th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion approach. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

With walks for life in Pontiac and Chicago last Saturday, respect life advocates in central Illinois have started to witness to the sanctity of human life as the 47th anniversary of Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion approach. In the United States, Jan. 22 is designated as a “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection […]

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Diocese to present first-ever Respect Life Conference; people of all ages welcome

Attacks on the dignity of the human person at every level make it necessary to engage the culture now and people will get the information they need to do that at the first-ever Respect Life Conference hosted by the Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Peoria on Sept. 13-14. All sessions will be held […]

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Twenty-three priests receive new assignments; full appointment list here

Twenty-three priests are receiving new assignments in appointments announced this month by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. The changes will result in a dozen parishes receiving new pastors and two high schools — Alleman in Rock Island and The High School of Saint Thomas More in Champaign — getting new chaplains. For the full list […]

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Catholic men and boys invited to annual march and Mass in Peoria on April 28

A statue of St. Joseph holding the Child Jesus is carried during a recent Diocesan Men's March through downtown Peoria. Pope Francis has proclaimed a yearlong celebration dedicated to the foster father of Jesus. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

The Diocese of Peoria’s 15th annual Men’s March and Mass will bring hundreds of Catholic men and boys to the Peoria riverfront on Saturday, April 28, to explore a theme that is both timeless and current: “St. Joseph and the Holy Family.” Since the first “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith” in 2004 was […]

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Diocese remains confident as Sheen legal case returns to original New York court

The New York court has granted Joan Sheen Cunningham the right to remove the remains of her uncle, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (pictured), from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City for transfer to St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria.

The Diocese of Peoria remained confident that legal issues surrounding the transfer of the remains of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen from New York to Peoria will soon be resolved after the New York Court of Appeals on Feb. 6 sent the case back to the original court for an evidentiary hearing. “Please continue your prayers […]

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Diocesan Ultreya brings Cursillistas from five regional sites to St. Mary’s Cathedral

Reaching across the aisles of St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria, those who have made Cursillo around the diocese praise God during the Our Father at the Mass for the Diocesan Ultreya on Nov. 4. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Monthly gatherings with a reflection, Mass and plenty of time to socialize are a mainstay of the Cursillo experience, but there was nothing ordinary about the Diocesan Ultreya that filled St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria Nov. 4. Believed to be the first celebration of its kind, the Ultreya drew representatives from the Northwest Area Cursillo, […]

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All are invited to ‘March for Mary,’ a diocese-wide Fatima event, on Oct. 7

The actual march begins at 2:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Church, 103 Richard Pryor Place, and ends a mile and a half later at St. Mary's Cathedral, 607 N. E. Madison Ave. (Catholic Post photo illustration)

Catholics of all ages from across central Illinois are being asked to “take to the streets” in Peoria on Saturday, Oct. 7, in a show of love for Mary, the Mother of God. Intended as the Diocese of Peoria’s culminating event for the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, this March for […]

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Diocese’s renewed Hispanic Ministry unites around Mary in first major event

Singing "Ave Maria," about 400 Spanish-speaking Catholicds from throughout the Diocese of Peoria process from the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria to St. Mary's Cathedral for a Mass with Bishop Jenky at the conclusion of their daylong celebration of the centennial of the Mary's appearances at Fatima. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Spanish-speaking Catholics from around the Diocese of Peoria celebrated their unity in faith and their love of the Eucharist, St. John Paul II, and the Blessed Virgin Mary during a daylong celebration Aug. 19 in Peoria. The focus of the event was this year’s centennial of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s appearances in Fatima, Portugal. While […]

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Cecilia Soñé has busy months ahead as diocese’s new director of Respect Life

Cecilia Soñé

The answer to what St. John Paul II and others have called the “culture of death” can be found in the Diocese of Peoria, according to the new Director of Respect Life. “We have a response here and we have the providers — health care, psychological, and spiritual,” said Cecilia Soñé. “It’s just a matter […]

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Sister Isabel Romero, SCTJM, appointed director of diocese’s Hispanic ministry

Sister Isabel Romero, SCTJM

Asked what non-Spanish speaking Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria should know about the region’s growing Hispanic population, Sister Isabel Romero, SCJTM, had a ready reply: “We are more than what you think we are,” said the diocese’s new Director of Hispanic Ministry, pointing to a recent census that puts the figure at 50,000 — […]

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