
Diocese remains confident as Sheen legal case returns to original New York court

The New York court has granted Joan Sheen Cunningham the right to remove the remains of her uncle, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (pictured), from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City for transfer to St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria.

The Diocese of Peoria remained confident that legal issues surrounding the transfer of the remains of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen from New York to Peoria will soon be resolved after the New York Court of Appeals on Feb. 6 sent the case back to the original court for an evidentiary hearing. “Please continue your prayers […]

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Annual Diocesan Appeal is under way; seeks $6,216,000 to support ministries

Pledges for the Annual Diocesan Appeal will be sought in most parishes the weekend of April 9-10.

When the 2016 Annual Diocesan Appeal opens this weekend in parishes around the Diocese of Peoria seeking funding for diocesan ministries, it will also educate on mercy and stewardship — with a special focus on the next generation of Catholics. “Blessed are the Merciful” is the theme of this year’s appeal, to be conducted in […]

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