
Sr. Isabel’s friends from Mexico reunite to guide retreat for area’s Spanish-speaking

Sister Isabel Romero, SCTJM, joins retreatants in giving a sign of their love for Jesus during movements to a praise song. Sister Isabel, director of Hispanic ministry for the Diocese of Peoria, was among those leading a retreat for Spanish-speaking Catholics July 7 at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

A retreat day for Spanish-speaking Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria on July 7 was also a reunion of several longtime friends from Mexico who traveled to central Illinois at the invitation of one friend who now calls this area home. “When I was young we were in a prayer group together,” said Sister Isabel […]

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Sister Isabel Romero, SCTJM, appointed director of diocese’s Hispanic ministry

Sister Isabel Romero, SCTJM

Asked what non-Spanish speaking Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria should know about the region’s growing Hispanic population, Sister Isabel Romero, SCJTM, had a ready reply: “We are more than what you think we are,” said the diocese’s new Director of Hispanic Ministry, pointing to a recent census that puts the figure at 50,000 — […]

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DePue parish hosts Diocese of Peoria’s first ‘Mother-Daughter Tea’ event in Spanish

Laura Mendez strokes the cheek of her daughter, Valeria Villagomez, as she tells the new "princess of Mary, Queen of Heaven" what gifts the girl brings to their family. They are members of the LaSalle Catholic Community. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

DEPUE — Giving an iPhone 7 to someone who has never used a smart phone is going to leave them confused and using only the most basic functions. To use it wisely and in the way it was intended, they need to learn what they have. The gift of fertility is the same and more […]

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