
Only one sin can’t be forgiven, explains missionary of mercy Archabbot Lambert

After his talk to deacons of the Diocese of Peoria, Archabbot Lambert Reilly, OSB, greets Deacon Nicholas Simon of St. Anthony Parish in Atkinson and Sacred Heart, Annwan, as Deacon Rod Gray of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Galesburg looks on. The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody

The only sin that can’t be forgiven is our own refusal to have the sin forgiven, a missionary of mercy said in the Diocese of Peoria on Aug. 20. “There is no sin beyond the salvific power of Jesus Christ,” said Archabbot Lambert Reilly, OSB, who guided St. Meinrad Archabbey in southern Indiana from 1995 […]

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Galesburg, Champaign, Bloomington are stops Sept. 16-19 on tour of Fatima statue

Patrick Sabat, the principal custodian of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima, has been traveling with the statue since 2003.

The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima, on a two-year “Centennial U.S. Tour for Peace” to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Mary in the Portugal village, will be hosted in Galesburg, Champaign and Bloomington from Sept. 16-19. The statue was sculpted in 1947 by Jose Thedim on instructions from Sister Lucia, who […]

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Mercy and 9/11

As our nation pauses Sunday to mark the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, we call to mind that dark day in our history occurred shortly after Bishop John J. Myers, the seventh Bishop of Peoria and an Earlville native, was named Archbishop of Newark. The New Jersey archdiocese is located just […]

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Homilist remembers Bishop Spalding for education, religious freedom influences

Canon J. J. Flattery of Danville recalls the life and accomplishments of the Diocese of Peoria's first bishop, John Lancaster Spalding, during his homily at the Founder's Day Mass on Aug. 25. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

One hundred years after his death, Bishop John Lancaster Spalding was again inspiring Catholics gathered at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. A re-telling of the life and accomplishments of the Diocese of Peoria’s first bishop provided the bulk of the homily at the Founder’s Day Mass celebrated at the cathedral on Aug. 25, a century […]

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Grateful diocese celebrates founding bishop, St. Mary’s Cathedral restoration

The newly restored sanctuary of St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria is seen in this photo from the Founder's Day Mass on Aug. 25. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

The founding bishop of the Diocese of Peoria and a restoration of the cathedral he built were celebrated in five days of events that linked the past, present, and future of the Catholic Church in central Illinois. “There is an awful lot of happiness in this cathedral this afternoon,” said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, […]

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The father of The Catholic Post

Three days after the world celebrates the canonization of Mother Teresa on Sept. 4, the staff of The Catholic Post will pause to mark 20 years since the death of our beloved Father Peters. We invite readers to join us in prayer for Msgr. Robert G. Peters, a legend in the Catholic press who guided […]

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Collaboration, creativity celebrated as OSF Innovation floors dedicated at ‘Jump’

Msgr. Michael Bliss, director of pastoral care at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, blesses a meeting room on the new OSF Innovation floors at the Jump Trading Simulation and Education Center. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

As the third and fourth floors of the Jump Trading Simulation and Education Center were dedicated Aug. 12, the holy water blessed not only the physical elements of a new collaborative environment known as OSF Innovation, but the creative ideas that will be sparked here to benefit patients locally and even around the world. “What […]

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Gift will establish pediatric wellness center at OSF St. Mary in Galesburg

Mark and Jeannette Kleine of Galesburg visit with Father Deus-Dedit Byabato , chaplain of OSF St. Mary Medical Center in Galesburg, at a reception Aug. 15 following the announcement of their $1.5 million gift to establish a pediatric wellness center at the medical center. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

GALESBURG — Within the word “gift” is the shorter word “if,” and it was after considering the question “What if?” that Mark and Jeannette Kleine decided to make a $1.5 million investment in the future of children’s health in the Galesburg region. The Kleines’ legacy gift to the OSF HealthCare Foundation, announced during a reception […]

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Capital campaign under way for parish school at Blessed Sacrament, Morton

A new gymnasium and cafeteria, school entrance, and additional classrooms are the goal of a $5.25 million capital campaign being launched at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Morton this weekend. (Sketch by PCM + Design Architects, East Peoria)

MORTON — A $5.25 million capital campaign is being launched at Blessed Sacrament Parish here this weekend seeking pledges to fund several improvements at the parish school. “Bringing to Completion the Good Work Begun” is the theme of the campaign, which will cap more than a decade of expansion and updating of the parish’s facilities. […]

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Deacon class installed into ministry of acolyte, urged to lives of service

Robb Caputo of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Leonore is presented a ciborium by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, during the Rite of Institution of Acolytes for members of the diocese's tenth class of permanent deacons Aug. 20 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria.(The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Twenty-four men who are entering their final year of preparation for ordination in the permanent diaconate were installed into the ministry of acolyte by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, during a joy-filled Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral  on Saturday, Aug. 20. But while the bishop led the assembly in robust applause for the class members […]

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