
For impoverished children, joy will arrive in 1,014 boxes from around our diocese

Father Andru O'Brien blesses the shipping boxes containing nearly 300 Boxes of Joy that were filled at St. Jude Parish and School in Peoria. The effort was organized by Marilyn Rusk, who stands to his right. The parish's donation helped to triple the number of Christmas packages that were sent to Cross Catholic Outreach from St. Joseph in Brimfield, which served as a drop-off site for the second year. (Provided photo)

Cross Catholic Outreach was hoping to put a Christmas smile on the faces of 70,000 children through this year’s Box of Joy program, and parishes around the Diocese of Peoria provided 1,014 of those smiles. The program invites people to fill a shoebox-size container with gifts for a girl or boy in one of three […]

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Entire student body of St. Joseph, Pekin, celebrates patron’s feast with pilgrimage

Sister Merlinda, FAS, greets Kim Terry and her third-graders from St. Joseph School in Pekin, who are decorating brown bags that will be used to serve lunch to patrons of Sophia's Kitchen at St. Joseph Church in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Say “pilgrimage” and people usually think of the Holy Land or Ireland or Spain. For students at St. Joseph School in Pekin, however, Peoria proved to be a wonderful destination when they celebrated their patron’s feast day on March 19. The entire student body — 131 students — boarded buses to travel to St. Joseph […]

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Turn to St. Joseph, a ‘model for all men,’ Bishop Jenky urges in new Festival Letter

A statue of St. Joseph holding the Child Jesus is carried during a recent Diocesan Men's March through downtown Peoria. Pope Francis has proclaimed a yearlong celebration dedicated to the foster father of Jesus. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

The example of St. Joseph “should be an inspiration to men living in our own challenging era,” writes Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in his 16th Festival Letter. “The Church has always looked to St. Joseph as a model for all men — for workers, for fathers, for husbands, and for priests,” notes Bishop Jenky […]

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St. Joseph Church, Brimfield, a regional drop-off site for ‘Box of Joy’ campaign

Children in Guatemala celebrate receiving "Boxes of Joy" through a campaign sponsored by Cross Catholic Outreach. This year, St. Joseph Church in Brimfield is a regional drop-off center for the boxes, which are to contain gifts for impoverished children in the Caribbean and Central America. (CNS/Cross Catholic Outreach)

BRIMFIELD — Providing holiday hope and joy to poor children halfway around the world may seem like a daunting task, but members of St. Joseph Parish in Brimfield and St. James Parish in Williamsfield are determined to do what they can, one child at a time. The Brimfield church has become a drop-off center for […]

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Santo Niño devotion draws a crowd, and a visiting bishop from the Philippines

Nympha White of Grand Ridge, president of the Filipino-American Society of Central Illinois, carries a banner heralding Santo Niño of Cebu as his image is carried in procession through St. Joseph Church in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Even in times touched by relativism, materialism and secularism, devotion to Jesus as the Santo Niño de Cebu demonstrates how much the Filipino people value their Catholic faith and culture, according to Bishop David Antonio of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia, Philippines. “Surprisingly, though people are exposed to modernity, devotions such as these still gather […]

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‘Sainthood Ballot’ educates students on election process, holy men and women

Eighth-grader Andrew Lambe, deputy manager for Dorothy Day's "campaign," casts his vote in the "Sainthood Ballot" at St. Joseph School in Pekin on Election Day. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

PEKIN — Elections end with winners and losers, unless the contest is held at St. Joseph School. Students here used Election Day to cast votes in a “Sainthood Ballot” where all the candidates are winners ultimately. The ballot included six candidates — two Servants of God, two Venerables and two Blesseds — who are being […]

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