
Karley Bates joins staff of diocesan Office of Evangelization and Faith Formation

Karley Bates

Karley Bates, a native of Galesburg and now a member of St. Jude Parish in Peoria, has joined the diocesan Office of Evangelization and Faith Formation as programs coordinator. “We’re excited to have Karley on board,” said Shirley Plaag, director. “She’s extremely enthusiastic about working here.” Bates, a product of Costa Catholic Academy in Galesburg […]

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Awards bestowed as Mass, luncheon with principals closes school year in diocese

Among those recognized by the Office of Catholic Schools at its year-end Mass and luncheon with principals were, from left: Krista Hinkley of The High School of Saint Thomas More, Distinguished Teacher; Anita Kobilsek of Holy Cross School in Mendota, Distinguished Principal; Father William Miller of Costa Catholic Academy in Galesburg, Distinguished Pastor, and Sally Martin of St. Mary School in Kickapoo, Distinguished Teacher. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Encouraging the principals of Catholic schools around the Diocese of Peoria to savor every moment of their summer vacation, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, said he looked forward to seeing them rested and “all charged up” in the fall. At the Mass marking the end of the school year, which was held in the Our […]

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Rosminian presence ending in diocese; left ‘indelible mark’ during 140 years

Rosminian priests have guided Corpus Christi Parish in Galesburg since its founding, as this sign outside the church attests. Nearby St. Patrick Parish has been under Rosminian care since the Diocese of Peoria's founding in 1877. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

The Rosminian presence in the Diocese of Peoria, a constant since the diocese’s founding in 1877 and a major part of Catholic history in Galesburg, is coming to an end. Citing declining numbers since the 1990s and with only two Rosminian priests — Father William Miller and Father Paul Stiene — in active ministry here, […]

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Fr. Francis Oman, IC, dies at 87; funeral offered at Corpus Christi, Galesburg

Father Francis Oman, IC

GALESBURG — A funeral Mass was offered at Corpus Christi Church here on March 6 for Father Francis Mary Oman, IC, who served as pastor of the parish from 1969 to 1981. Father Oman, who was also pastor of Sacred Heart in Abingdon for 19 years and a former provincial superior of the Rosminian Fathers, […]

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Putting children first: Fr. Miller is named diocese’s Distinguished School Pastor

Father William Miller, the Diocese of Peoria's Distinguished School Pastor this year, is shown with kindergartners during a recent visit to Costa Catholic Academy in Galesburg. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

GALESBURG — One of the first things Rosminian Father Joseph Costa did when he arrived in Galesburg in the 1870s was to start a Catholic school. While much has changed in education — and the world — over the years, the current canonical pastor of Costa Catholic Academy said it is important to focus on […]

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Expansion project begins, clinic is dedicated at OSF St. Mary in Galesburg

Pictured at the Nov. 7 groundbreaking ceremony at OSF St. Mary Medical Center in Galesburg are, from left: Dr. Mark Meeker, director of physician practice, OSF Multispecialty Group; Sid Carlson, chairperson of the OSF St. Mary Foundation Council; Jeff Douglas, son of Dr. Gil Douglas; Sister Judith Ann Duvall, major superior of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis and chair of the OSF HealthCare Board of Directors; Roxanna Crosser, president of OSF St. Mary Medical Center; Lisa Lindstrom, president of the OSF St. Mary Medical Center Auxiliary; Adam Vitale, Community Advisory Board chairperson; and state Rep. Donald Moffitt (R-74th). (Provided photo)

GALESBURG — Work has begun on a $22 million expansion and renovation project at OSF St. Mary Medical Center here, the largest project since the center moved to its 3333 N. Seminary St. location nearly 42 years ago. A groundbreaking ceremony took place Nov. 7 for the changes that will enhance the surgery, laboratory department, […]

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Galesburg, Champaign, Bloomington are stops Sept. 16-19 on tour of Fatima statue

Patrick Sabat, the principal custodian of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima, has been traveling with the statue since 2003.

The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima, on a two-year “Centennial U.S. Tour for Peace” to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Mary in the Portugal village, will be hosted in Galesburg, Champaign and Bloomington from Sept. 16-19. The statue was sculpted in 1947 by Jose Thedim on instructions from Sister Lucia, who […]

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Gift will establish pediatric wellness center at OSF St. Mary in Galesburg

Mark and Jeannette Kleine of Galesburg visit with Father Deus-Dedit Byabato , chaplain of OSF St. Mary Medical Center in Galesburg, at a reception Aug. 15 following the announcement of their $1.5 million gift to establish a pediatric wellness center at the medical center. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

GALESBURG — Within the word “gift” is the shorter word “if,” and it was after considering the question “What if?” that Mark and Jeannette Kleine decided to make a $1.5 million investment in the future of children’s health in the Galesburg region. The Kleines’ legacy gift to the OSF HealthCare Foundation, announced during a reception […]

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