
47 photos in Post’s 2018 memorial video for All Souls’ Day: View it here

The title page of last year's All Souls Day memorial video produced by The Catholic Post. The diocesan newspaper is again invited readers to send photos of recently deceased loved ones for inclusion in its 2019 video.

The Catholic Post’s annual memorial video tribute to those who died in the past year is complete and includes photos of 47 Catholics from around the diocese submitted by their loved ones. “We are deeply grateful to those who shared the photos,” said Tom Dermody, editor of The Catholic Post. “We hope that the video’s […]

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Updated: Masses moving to parish hall after truck damages Coal Valley church

Plywood covers a hole created when a truck crashed into St. Maria Goretti Church in Coal Valley last Oct. 25, spraying bricks and mortar throughout the church and toppling pews and music equipment. (Photo by a St. Maria Goretti parishioner)

UPDATED Nov. 7, 2018 COAL VALLEY – St. Maria Goretti Church here was extensively damaged and has been temporarily closed after a vehicle crashed through its southwest wall the evening of Thursday, Oct. 25. The driver, Joe Gotthardt, reportedly suffered a sudden medical condition prior to losing control of his truck, a Dodge Ram 2500. […]

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In new book, Pope Francis calls for an alliance between the young and old

Pope Francis attends the release of the book, "Sharing the Wisdom of Time," in Rome Oct. 23. In the book, the pope offers commentary on the life stories of older people throughout the world. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — With the launch of a new book, Pope Francis is calling for a new alliance — between young and old — to change the world. In an effort to counteract today’s “culture of waste” that too easily marginalizes or ignores the young and the elderly, the book by Loyola Press creates […]

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Diocese’s priests sign letters of support for seminarians at annual gathering

Msgr. Ernie Pizzamiglio, a senior priest from Galesburg, and Father Michael Pica, parochial vicar at St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington and St. Mary Parish, Downs, sign letters promising prayers and support to diocesan seminarians "during these challenging times for the Catholic Church in our country." (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

When nearly 100 priests of the Diocese of Peoria gathered for a two-day assembly in Peoria this week, they found a way to express their solidarity with seminarians “during these challenging times for the Catholic Church in our country.” As Priest Assembly Days opened at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria on Oct. 23, Msgr. […]

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St. Vincent de Paul pantries will move to former school building in Bloomington

Heads bow as Steve Nolan leads volunteers in prayer before the opening of the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at the Holy Trinity Parish Center in Bloomington on a recent Monday morning. Next spring, the busy pantry will leave its crowded quarters for a new home at the nearby former Holy Trinity Junior High School. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

BLOOMINGTON — It seems fitting  that nearly all the doors in the former Holy Trinity Junior High School building here are being widened as the building is transformed into a spacious new home for the food and clothing distribution projects of  the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Holy Trinity Conference. For practical reasons, the […]

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Former Post editor Albina Aspell, 91, explains why she’s in life’s ‘best ever’ stage

Albina Aspell, 91, former editor and publisher of The Catholic Post, newspaper of the Diocese of Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

“I’m at a great stage in life. The best ever!” The first words from Albina Aspell in a recent lengthy interview with the former editor and publisher of The Catholic Post may sound difficult to believe coming from someone who is 91 and enduring the progression of Parkinson’s disease. But then maybe you don’t know […]

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‘Date Night’ speaker calls marriage a lifelong ‘sacramental three-step’ dance

Jim Healy makes a point during his Sept. 29 presentation "How to be Married and Stay Engaged." The talk was part of a "date night" hosted by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

The dance of a Catholic marriage is a “sacramental three-step” modeled on the Paschal Mystery, a family life expert told couples on a date night Sept. 29 hosted by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. “It happens over and over,” said Jim Healy of the process of loving, letting go, and rising again in marriage. […]

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Take faith into public square, urges Respect Life Dinner speaker Tom Brejcha

Thomas Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society, speaks at the Respect Life Dinner in Peoria on Oct. 7. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

People of faith need to be heard in the public square despite efforts to silence them, the keynote speaker for the 37th annual Respect Life Dinner said in Peoria on Oct. 7. “If we don’t put our values there on display — unflinchingly, eloquently, unreservedly — why should anyone pay attention to us,” asked Thomas […]

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Grace and mystery on a World War I battlefield 100 years ago today

Pvt. Charles Dermody

As this is written, exactly 100 years ago my life hung in the balance — though I would not be born for another four decades. For on Oct. 9, 1918, on a hill near the Meuse River in the Ardennes region of northeastern France, a 23-year-old U.S. Army private from southern Illinois had just regained […]

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