
Pilgrims from diocese celebrate, defend life at 2018 March for Life Chicago

A group from the St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center at Illinois State University in Normal sings as they process up Dearborn Avenue with thousands of other participants in March for Life Chicago on Sunday, Jan. 14. Those pictured include, from left, Ayla Kibler, Hannah Carroll, Sister Silvia Maria, SCTJM, Maria Castiblanco, Noelle Ortega, Kristin Anderson, and Alex James. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

CHICAGO — Pilgrims from the Diocese of Peoria to March for Life Chicago on Jan. 14 knew the seriousness of their cause but also found ways on a sub-freezing January day to reflect the joy of their faith and belief that “Love Saves Lives.” Many of the 35 college students and staff from the St. […]

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Shirley Plaag named director of Office of Evangelization and Faith Formation

Shirley Plaag

In today’s fast-paced, changing culture, the best method of leading souls to heaven remains the one demonstrated by Jesus 2,000 years ago. “The beauty of it is we don’t have to reinvent the wheel,” said Shirley Plaag, the Diocese of Peoria’s new Director of Evangelization and Faith Formation. Jesus made disciples, said Plaag, by proclaiming […]

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Bishop names three new directors for Curia offices in the Diocese of Peoria

Three women have been appointed by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, to lead departments in the Diocese of Peoria’s Curia overseeing evangelization and faith formation, Hispanic ministry, and respect life efforts. Shirley Plaag is the new Director of Evangelization and Faith Formation. A Peoria native and a 2009 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with […]

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800 seek the truth at Summer Institute with the goal of sharing it with others

When Jennifer Fulwiler was in the fourth grade, she went into a book store and moved all the Bibles to the fiction section, thinking it was the ultimate prank on people who should know better. Little did she know then that the Good Book would become one of the most important books in her life […]

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Author, blogger Jennifer Fulwiler will keynote Diocesan Summer Institute June 3

Jennifer Fulwiler

Catholic author, blogger, speaker and radio host Jennifer Fulwiler will help people explore “The Splendor of Truth” at the Diocesan Summer Institute. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, June 3, at the Peoria Civic Center. In addition to the keynote by Fulwiler, there will be breakout sessions led by: Father Chase Hilgenbrinck, who […]

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Rebooted Diocesan Summer Institute draws nearly 1,000 into ‘depths of mercy’

At Father Timothy Hepner's request, the priests, seminarians and women religious present at the Diocesan Summer Institute gathered in front of the Peoria Civic Center stage. "We are blessed," said Father Hepner, but asked all in attendance for prayers to increase vocations. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Jesus took his disciples aside to pray on occasion and Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, encouraged nearly 1,000 teachers, religious educators, priests, seminarians, women religious and parishioners to view the rebooted Diocesan Summer Institute the same way. “All of you, who do so much work in the diocese, need this time together with the Lord,” […]

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