
Common sense lost in our polarized society

Should it be so difficult to come to an agreement over the proper regulation of military-style assault weapons? Should it be so divisive to require abortion clinics to comply with the standards of ambulatory surgical centers? Apparently the answer in our nearly 240-year-old nation is “yes.” Those are just the latest examples of societal problems […]

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Parishes rally in prayer as Msgr. Ketcham set to begin treatment for brain tumor

Following a prayer vigil for Msgr. Gregory Ketcham on June 21 at St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington in Bloomington, concerned Catholics line up to pledge prayers for a spiritual bouquet. Msgr. Ketcham is about to begin treatment for a recently diagnosed brain tumor. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Members of St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington and St. Mary Parish, Downs, are leading a wide prayer effort as their pastor, Msgr. Gregory Ketcham, prepares to undergo treatment for a malignant brain tumor. The tumor was diagnosed after Msgr. Ketcham, 49, suffered a seizure near the close of a Sunday Mass on June […]

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Fr. Rayson, Fr. Dittmer appointed new vicars for Champaign and LaSalle

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has named new vicars for the LaSalle and Champaign vicariates. In Champaign, Father Robert Rayson will succeed Father Joseph Hogan as vicar. Father Rayson has been pastor of St. Matthew Parish in Champaign, as well as St. Boniface, Seymour, since 2012. Father Hogan, who has served as vicar for three […]

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First Communicants told sacrament brings Jesus even nearer than a hug

Dressed in her First Communion attire, 7-year-old Alemie Claire I. Cuizon joined cathedral cantor Rosa Beyer in leading the responsorial psalm during the Mass with First Communicants at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria on June 11. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, the Lord is as near to us as if we were with him in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago and he gave us a hug. That’s one message Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, shared with First Communicants and their families from around the Diocese of Peoria who joined him […]

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Family petitions N.Y. court to move Archbishop Sheen’s body to Peoria

Archbishop Fulton Sheen writes on his chalkboard during a broadcast of his Emmy Award-winning television program "Life is Worth Living" in this 1950s file photo.

The family of the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen has petitioned the Supreme Court of the State of New York to allow the transfer of the sainthood candidate’s remains to Peoria. Joan Sheen Cunningham, 88, Archbishop Sheen’s niece and his oldest living relative, filed a petition on June 13 asking that the trustees of St. […]

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Meet the top Catholic high school graduates of the Diocese of Peoria

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Following are brief biographies of the valedictorians and salutatorians at the Catholic high schools and academies in the Diocese of Peoria. We congratulate them and all graduates. We invited the top students to answer two questions: 1) “How would you describe the advantages of attending a Catholic high school?,” and 2) “Name one […]

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Parents say parishioners should expect a smiling, prayerful ‘Padre Pica’

Father Pica blesses his parents, Jane and Jerry Pica of Champaign, at the reception following the ordination Mass. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Members of St. Patrick Church of Merna Parish in Bloomington and St. Mary, Downs, should expect a smiling, prayerful priest when newly ordained Father Michael Pica joins their faith communities as parochial vicar on June 8. That’s according to the two people who know Father Pica best – his parents, Jerry and Jane Pica (pronounced […]

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‘Church in Peoria rejoices’ May 28 as Father Michael Pica is ordained

Newly ordained Father Michael Pica poses with Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, on the balcony of the cathedral rectory immediately following the May 28 ordination Mass. Also pictured are Abbot Philip Davey, OSB, of St. Bede Abbey and the vicars general of the Diocese of Peoria, Msgr. Paul Showalter, P.A., and Msgr. James Kruse. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Father Michael P. Pica was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, during solemn, ancient rites in a joy-filled Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Saturday, May 28. “The church in Peoria rejoices today,” said Bishop Jenky in opening remarks after Deacon Pica entered in a processional including priests, deacons […]

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Graduates, heed jubilarians’ advice

The 2016 Jubilarian section published in the May 22 issue of The Catholic Post can be accessed by clicking on the E-Edition link on this page.

  Inside this feature-packed issue of The Catholic Post is hidden a wonderful commencement speech for Catholics graduating from high schools and colleges this month. Our special section profiling priests, deacons, and consecrated men and women marking major anniversary years alone contains a treasure trove of advice. We hope all of our readers will dig […]

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