
Teaching truth is an expression of love, mercy writes Bishop Jenky in “Choice”

The “greatest possible expression of Christian mercy” the Catholic Church can offer a contemporary culture that celebrates unrestrained personal choice is to “boldly preach the truth, in season and out of season,” according to Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. “The first and greatest truth to which we must always give persistent witness is that Jesus […]

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Sainthood candidate may be coming home; court ruling favors Sheen family

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen speaks in this undated file photo.

The Supreme Court of the State of New York on Thursday ruled in favor of the family of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen regarding their request to allow the transfer of the sainthood candidate’s remains to Peoria, where he was raised and ordained a priest. On Nov. 1, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arlene Bluth heard […]

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Youth Rally 2016: Don’t let world steal your true identity that’s found in God

The nearly 300 teens at Youth Rally 2016 raise their hands when keynote speaker Emily Wilson asked if they want to be happy and fulfilled in life. The Catholic musician from California urged them to find their joy in a life centered on Christ. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

How many followers do you have on Instagram? What kind of clothes do you wear? What does your body look like? To which events do you get invited? Who are your friends? “The world says that is who you are as young people,” said California musician Emily Wilson, speaking to nearly 300 teenagers gathered Nov. […]

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United in gratitude

In a nation still divided after a contentious presidential election, the uniquely American celebration of Thanksgiving Day is especially timely and welcome in 2016. We all eat, so on Nov. 24 Democrats, Republicans, Independents and all others can and should join in common gratitude for the work of our nation’s farmers and the blessings of […]

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Expansion project begins, clinic is dedicated at OSF St. Mary in Galesburg

Pictured at the Nov. 7 groundbreaking ceremony at OSF St. Mary Medical Center in Galesburg are, from left: Dr. Mark Meeker, director of physician practice, OSF Multispecialty Group; Sid Carlson, chairperson of the OSF St. Mary Foundation Council; Jeff Douglas, son of Dr. Gil Douglas; Sister Judith Ann Duvall, major superior of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis and chair of the OSF HealthCare Board of Directors; Roxanna Crosser, president of OSF St. Mary Medical Center; Lisa Lindstrom, president of the OSF St. Mary Medical Center Auxiliary; Adam Vitale, Community Advisory Board chairperson; and state Rep. Donald Moffitt (R-74th). (Provided photo)

GALESBURG — Work has begun on a $22 million expansion and renovation project at OSF St. Mary Medical Center here, the largest project since the center moved to its 3333 N. Seminary St. location nearly 42 years ago. A groundbreaking ceremony took place Nov. 7 for the changes that will enhance the surgery, laboratory department, […]

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Screening of “Outcasts” film inspires viewers to serve those in need locally

Brother Elijah, a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, and Clifford Azize, producer and director, respond to questions after the screening of the new documentary "Outcasts" at St. Jude Parish on Nov. 5. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

  The screening of a new documentary showing the work of a religious community among destitute and homeless people around the world brought repeated appeals for viewers to “hit the streets” in their own communities to find and serve those in need. “You people know Jesus. That’s why you’re here,” said Brother Elijah, a five-year […]

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Native son Bishop Myers guided the Diocese of Peoria into new millennium

Bishop Myers greets the crowd after a liturgy at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria in this Catholic Post file photo.

Archbishop John J. Myers, the seventh bishop of Peoria and the second native son in a row to hold that office, guided the Diocese of Peoria from 1990 until his appointment as Archbishop of Newark in 2001. His 11 years as diocesan bishop saw a surge in priestly vocations, preparations for Jubilee Year 2000, establishment […]

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‘Vote Pro-Life’ yard signs promoted by volunteers at Holy Cross, Champaign

"Vote Pro-Life" yard signs dot the parish grounds at Holy Cross, Champaign. The signs are a volunteer project of the parish's pro-life committee. (Provided photo)

CHAMPAIGN — Amid all the name-calling of this year’s election season come yard signs in area neighborhoods that promote voting for a bunch of real babies. “Vote Pro-Life” is the message of the signs, a project of pro-life committee volunteers at Holy Cross Parish in Champaign. The professional signs, produced at a discounted cost by […]

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Heaven: Nothing we have expected and everything we have anticipated

By Tim Irwin Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time/Nov. 6 2 Maccabees 7:1-2,9-14; Psalm 17:1,5-6,8,15; 2 Thessalonians 2:16 — 3:5; Luke 20:27-38 The readings for the Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary time remind us that risen life cannot be understood in the way we make sense of our time in the material universe. The Greek philosopher Aristotle […]

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Optimism, continued prayers for Sheen sainthood cause follow N.Y. hearing

A ruling on the requested transfer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's remains to Peoria is expected in the coming weeks.

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, asked for continued prayers for the sainthood cause of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and diocesan leaders expressed optimism following a Nov. 1 hearing in the Supreme Court of the State of New York regarding the transfer of the famed orator and media pioneer’s remains to Peoria. Manhattan Supreme Court Justice […]

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