
‘No hands or eyes but yours’

A sign with a Scripture verse has been hung on a vandalized statue of Jesus in Serenity Park on Peoria's south side. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

During World War II, a French village lost a beloved statue of Christ in a bombing raid. The villagers managed to rebuild the statue, except for its hands. Those pieces were never found in the rubble. Finally, the villagers placed a plaque on the statue with the inscription, “I have no hands but yours.” The […]

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Biking for Babies team spreads pro-life mission and joy in ride through diocese

Members of the Biking for Babies "Northern Missionaries" team pose July 11 outside St. Joseph Newman Center at Bradley University in Peoria during an overnight stop on their ride from Green Bay to St. Louis. The previous night, the riders stopped in Ottawa, attending Mass at St. Patrick Church and sharing their mission at a potluck dinner. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

After 13 flat tires, two spills, a series of 4:15 a.m. wake-up calls, and four days of riding 100 miles — including one day in weather that felt like more than 100 degrees — why were members of a Biking for Babies team that passed through the Diocese of Peoria last week smiling? “It’s been […]

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A photo editorial

The bodies of Salvadoran migrant Oscar Alberto Martinez Ramirez and his 23-month-old daughter, Valeria, are seen June 24 after they drowned in the Rio Grande in Matamoro, Mexico, while trying to reach the United States. (CNS/Reuters)

Nine days before the United States celebrated Independence Day, a photo from our southern border stirred emotions and debate about the kind of nation we are 243 years after our founding. “This image cries to heaven for justice,” wrote two leaders of the Catholic bishops in the U.S. after the above photo appeared on news […]

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“He is home” — Archbishop Sheen’s remains transferred to Peoria, cause reopened

The casket bearing the remains of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen rests within the new marble tomb prepared for him in the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception on June 27. Archbishop Sheen was ordained in the cathedral in 1919 and consecrated himself to the Blessed Mother there. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

As a small group of witnesses silently looked on, the mortal remains of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen were interred at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria late in the afternoon of June 27, completing a transfer from St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York that began early that morning. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, of Peoria […]

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June 22-28 is Religious Freedom Week

  As we cross into summer and prepare for Independence Day, Catholics are being asked this week to remember one of the fundamental rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution: religious freedom. The U.S. Catholic bishops have declared the period from Saturday, June 22, to Friday, June 28, as Religious Freedom Week. Each day is set […]

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Father Charles Klamut releases a new original music project: “Beta: Volume II”

Father Charles Klamut has released his fourth solo CD of original music, called "Beta: Volume 2." (Cover art by Gabi Test)

MILAN — Inspirations for songwriting can hit Father Charles Klamut unexpectedly, even during a stop at a coffee shop while out of town to celebrate the wedding of a former student. Twenty-four hours after that visit, the pastor of St. Ambrose in Milan and St. Patrick in Andalusia had written “Barista,” one of seven songs […]

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Bank of Pontiac donates building as new home for the St. Vincent de Paul Pantry

Bill Kauffman, right, president and CEO of the Bank of Pontiac, presents a symbolic key on June 13 to Evelyn Ribordy, director of the St. Vincent de Paul Society food and clothing pantry at St. Mary Parish in Pontiac. The bank has donated the building seen behind the group, the former offices of Dr. John Purnell at 401 E. Water St., to St. Mary as a new, more spacious home for the pantry. Also pictured are bank officials and pantry volunteers, from left, Amy Brummel, Frank Arnolts, Carol Schopp, Jenna Cassady, John Marshall, Kathy Campbell, Joe Baker, Marge Loughran, Kathy Duffy, Jane Kuerth, Nancy Verdun, Tina Trevino, Mike Haag, and Father David Sabel. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

PONTIAC — The Bank of Pontiac has given the St. Vincent de Paul Pantry a former medical office building at 401 E. Water St. to serve as a new, larger storage and distribution site for its food and clothing outreaches. “The bank has been well supported by the community and its churches,” said Bill Kauffman, […]

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‘Renewed’ St. Anne Church, East Moline, ready for parish centennial on July 28

The redesigned back wall of the sanctuary at St. Anne Church in East Moline includes a new canopy over a raised tabernacle. The new painting behind the tabernacle symbolizes that God is to be praised day and night. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

EAST MOLINE — After three months away, members of St. Anne Parish here are in “the Promised Land” of a beautifully renovated church and ready to joyfully conclude a yearlong celebration marking 100 years since the parish’s founding. “Spiritually, I kept telling people we were like the Israelites in the desert,” said Father Antonio Dittmer […]

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Legal dispute ends; Archbishop Sheen’s remains will be transferred to Peoria

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is pictured preaching in an undated photo. (CNS file photo)

(UPDATED — June 19, 2019) The mortal remains of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen will soon be coming home to his native Diocese of Peoria. And that news has diocesan officials anticipating a reopening of the famed orator and media pioneer’s Cause for Beatification, leading to a hoped-for Beatification Mass that would take place in […]

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Marquette Academy of Ottawa celebrates historic state championship in baseball

Led by their seniors, the baseball Crusaders from Marquette Academy in Ottawa excitedly accept the IHSA Class 1A state championship trophy after defeating Waterloo Gibault 14-5 in the title game at Dozer Park on June 1. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Sixteen hits and 14 runs led to Marquette Academy’s baseball team being Number One in the state on Saturday. But the Crusaders’ historic 14-5 win over Waterloo Gibault in the Illinois High School Association Class 1A title game at Dozer Park in Peoria had meaning well beyond numbers. When relief pitcher Luke Couch struck out […]

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