
‘Renewed’ St. Anne Church, East Moline, ready for parish centennial on July 28

The redesigned back wall of the sanctuary at St. Anne Church in East Moline includes a new canopy over a raised tabernacle. The new painting behind the tabernacle symbolizes that God is to be praised day and night. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

EAST MOLINE — After three months away, members of St. Anne Parish here are in “the Promised Land” of a beautifully renovated church and ready to joyfully conclude a yearlong celebration marking 100 years since the parish’s founding. “Spiritually, I kept telling people we were like the Israelites in the desert,” said Father Antonio Dittmer […]

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Text of the homily at the funeral Mass at St. Anne, East Moline, for Fr. Bruce Lopez

Father Bruce D. Lopez

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Catholic Post publishes excerpts from the homilies given at funeral Masses for priests of the Diocese of Peoria when they are available. Following is the homily from the June 13 funeral Mass at St. Anne Church in East Moline for Father Bruce Lopez. (See obituary here.) The homilist was Father Joel Phelps, […]

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Fr. Bruce Lopez, 57, dies in Monticello; funeral Mass celebrated in East Moline

Father Bruce D. Lopez

UPDATED — June 23, 2019 A Mass of Christian Burial was offered on  June 13 at St. Anne Church in East Moline for Father Bruce D. Lopez, pastor of St. Philomena Parish in Monticello and St. Michael Parish in Bement. Father Lopez died at his home on Thursday, June 6, 2019. He was 57. Bishop […]

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Catholic schools in East Moline, Peoria, and Rantoul welcome new principals

Students weren’t the only ones to have a first day of school in diocesan schools this fall. Two principals also started the year in new schools, and one more has come out of retirement to lead the school he last served. Stacie Gianessi, who has been principal of St. Malachy School in Rantoul since 2015, […]

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St. Anne Parish in East Moline opens centennial year celebration April 15

St. Anne parishioners have adopted "Remember, Rejoice, Renew" as the motto for their 100 years as a community of faith.

EAST MOLINE — Because it’s difficult to contain the joy of a centennial celebration to one day, members of St. Anne Parish will spend a year marking the milestone, starting with a Mass, reception and dinner on Sunday, April 15. Priests and Sisters who have served the parish have been invited back for the 3 […]

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For new mother from East Moline parish, ‘it was time’ to join the Catholic Church

Heather Sacco, holding her 12-week-old daughter Natalie, is flanked by her mother-in-law and sponsor, Terri Sacco, and husband, Nick, after the Rite of Election at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria on Feb. 18. Already baptized, Heather will be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil on March 31 at St. Anne Church in East Moline."It's just such a blessing," Terri Sacco said. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Heather Sacco has been going to Mass at St. Anne Church in East Moline since she started dating her husband, Nick, eight years ago. It surprised a few people, then, when she recently stood in front of the assembly and declared her intention to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church at […]

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Diocesan pilgrims among those stranded by blizzard after March for Life

Some of the 38 pilgrims from Moline and East Moline explore the nearly two feet of snow that left them stopped for 20 hours on a closed section of the Pennsylvania Turnpike on their way home from the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Provided photo

Whether they came home early or stayed and were stranded in a blizzard on a Pennsylvania roadway or in a Washington, D.C., hotel room, hundreds of pilgrims from the Diocese of Peoria will long remember the 2016 national March for Life. Among those staying and marching as winter storm Jonas approached was a group of […]

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