
Clergy moves include 2 to senior status, Conventual Franciscans to Rock Island

The list of clergy appointments for the Diocese of Peoria as seen in the May 8, 2022, edition of The Catholic Post.

Bishop Louis Tylka has approved new assignments for 30 priests in the Diocese of Peoria, including the granting of senior status to Father Thomas Taylor and Father Vien Van Do. New pastors have been named for 21 parishes, although in eight of those parishes the priest is already serving as administrator. All appointments are effective […]

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Clergy appointments effective June 15

Bishop Tylka's coat of arms.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is the full list of clergy appointments made by Bishop Louis Tylka. All are effective at noon on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. For a story on the assignments, click here. — TO SENIOR STATUS Father Thomas Taylor, from parochial vicar, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Peoria, to senior status Father Vien Van […]

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Leaked draft of Supreme Court opinion indicates overturn of Roe decision

Lights burn inside U.S. Supreme Court offices in Washington May 2 after the leak of a draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito preparing for a majority of the court to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision later this year. (CNS/Jonathan Ernst, Reuters)

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Supreme Court appears set to overturn its Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion for nearly 50 years, according to a leaked initial draft of a court opinion obtained by Politico and published online the evening of May 2. Just minutes after the leak was published, reactions were fast and furious […]

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Public invited to blessing of new Marian grotto on May 8 at Peoria Notre Dame

The statue of Mary in the new "Fountain of Grace Grotto" at Peoria Notre Dame High School. The grotto will be blessed in ceremonies that include a rosary procession at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 8. (Provided photo)

Peoria Notre Dame High School will soon have another place of prayer on campus — a Marian grotto, which is being constructed near the library patio. It will be blessed on Sunday, May 8, at 2 p.m. The public is invited. In addition to the blessing, the ceremony will include a rosary procession and reconsecration […]

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‘Topping off’ ceremony marks a milestone for OSF HealthCare Cancer Institute

Deacon Joe Knapp sprinkles holy water on the final steel beam of the OSF HealthCare Cancer Institute before it is hoisted by crane to its place atop the construction site in Peoria on April 25. Deacon Knapp is manager of pastoral care at OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Sprinkled with holy water and bearing signatures and messages from hundreds who are invested in the project it symbolizes, the final structural steel beam of the OSF HealthCare Cancer Institute was lifted and set into place during ceremonies in Peoria on April 28. “The Cancer Institute is, and always will be, a reminder of how […]

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“The Northman” (Focus)

Alexander Skarsgard and Anya Taylor-Joy star in a scene from the movie "The Northman." The Catholic News Service classification is O -- morally offensive. (CNS/Aidan Monaghan, Focus Features)

By Catholic News Service Grotesque bloodletting and ambiguous morality outweigh the artistic merits and potential interest of this Viking epic, set at the turn of the 10th century and drawn from the same legend on which Shakespeare based his tragedy “Hamlet.” Traumatized by witnessing his uncle’s (Claes Bang) murder of his father (Ethan Hawke) and […]

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“The Bad Guys” (Universal)

This is the movie poster for "The Bad Guys." The Catholic News Service classification is A-II -- adults and adolescents. (CNS/DreamWorks Pictures)

By Catholic News Service High-octane animated caper comedy in which a criminal gang of anthropomorphized animals in Los Angeles (voiced by Sam Rockwell, Marc Maron, Craig Robinson, Anthony Ramos and Awkwafina) endeavor to steal a valuable award statuette but are caught in the act. As California’s governor (voice of Zazie Beetz) prepares to hand them […]

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Bishop Tylka takes to the air to bless fields, farmers as planting season begins

Bishop Louis Tylka is strapped in and ready to bless farm fields of the Diocese of Peoria from the air, thanks to the use of a helicopter provided by OSF Aviation on April 21. At right, the bishop looks out at the farm of Helen Gillen in rural Monmouth. He would stop to bless the fields and family there and then continue to fly in all directions to offer a blessing "that keeps going" for the rest of the diocese. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems and For The Catholic Post/ Phillip Lee)

MONMOUTH — Bishop Louis Tylka took to the air by helicopter April 21 to bless farm fields in the Diocese of Peoria as planting season was about to begin. His trip, made possible by OSF Aviation, included a stop at the farm of Helen Gillen and her son, Dave, longtime members of Immaculate Conception Parish […]

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Joy, peace as nearly 300 across diocese received into the church at Easter Vigil

There are smiles all around as Gretchen Lansford is confirmed by Father Andru O'Brien at the Easter Vigil at St. Matthew Church in Champaign.Standing behind her is her son, David, who was her sponsor. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

CHAMPAIGN — Gretchen Lansford wanted to share the faith that had become foundational to her son, David, and his family, and at the Easter Vigil at St. Matthew Church here, her prayers were answered. She was one of six people baptized in other faith traditions who made a profession of faith and were received into […]

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First Spanish Father-Son Encounter a joint program of diocese, OSF Healthcare

In addition to some serious talk about the transition from being a boy to becoming a man, participants at the first Spanish Father-Son Encounter took the opportunity to have have fun while being physically active on April 9. Here they are running a three-legged race. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

MAGNOLIA — Fathers and sons from Spanish-speaking communities around the Diocese of Peoria accepted the invitation to get away and spend the day together to talk about life and what it means to be a man, and to take time for prayer at the Sacré-Coeur Retreat Center here. A pilot program for boys ages 10 […]

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