
At Irish Fest Mass, Bishop Tylka asks prayers for Rome trip, meetings on Sheen cause

Bishop Louis Tylka blesses the assembly at the conclusion of the Mass for Peace and Justice celebrated Aug. 28 beneath a tent on the riverfront grounds of the Peoria Irish Fest. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

As he prepares to leave for Rome on Aug. 30, Bishop Louis Tylka is requesting prayers for his participation in “baby bishops school” and especially for planned meetings with Vatican officials regarding the sainthood cause of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Bishop Tylka was the principal celebrant Sunday at an outdoor Mass for Peace and […]

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Sister Charlotte Sonneville, OSB, dies; funeral Mass is Tuesday in Rock Island

Sister Charlotte Sonneville, OSB

ROCK ISLAND – A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Tuesday, Aug. 30, in the chapel of St. Monastery here for Sister Charlotte (Angela) Sonneville, OSB. Burial will follow in Calvary Cemetery, also in Rock Island. Visitation is planned for Monday, Aug. 29, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the monastery, 2200 88th […]

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Broadway star to headline alumni talent show at Peoria Notre Dame H.S. Sept. 3

Bart Shatto, a 1983 graduate of Bergan High School in Peoria, played the lead role of Jean Valjean in "Les Miserables" on Broadway for more than a year.

If you didn’t get to see “Les Miserables” on Broadway, don’t worry. Bart Shatto, who played the lead role of Jean Valjean in New York for more than a year, is bringing his talent to the Livingston Auditorium stage at Peoria Notre Dame High School, for “PND Alums Have Talent” on Saturday, Sept. 3. The […]

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‘In the Scone Zone’ — Fr. Dominic to share recipes from newest cookbook Sept. 17

Father Dominic Garramone, OSB

Father Dominic Garramone, OSB, of St. Bede Abbey will bring recipes from his new book to “In the Scone Zone,” a presentation set for Saturday, Sept. 17, at the East Bluff Community Center, 512 E. Kansas St., in Peoria. It will begin at 2 p.m. He will review the history of scones from medieval times […]

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New chapter at Rock Island parishes; Conventual Franciscans welcomed

Two members of the Conventual Franciscans of the Krakow Province in Poland are now serving Rock Island's three Catholic parishes. Father Peter Sarnicki, OFM Conv., is pastor of St. Pius X Parish, while Father Witold is pastor of both Sacred Heart and St. Mary parishes. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody and provided photo/Chris Mandle)

ROCK ISLAND — A new chapter in the rich Catholic history of Rock Island began this month as two Conventual Franciscan priests of the Krakow Province in Poland became pastors of the city’s three parishes. Father Peter Sarnicki, OFM Conv., is the new pastor of St. Pius X Parish, while Father Witold Adamczyk, OFM Conv., […]

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Before classes begin, teachers focus on their relationship with Jesus at retreats

Father Patrick Henehan, pastor of St. Jude Parish and School in Peoria, and Father Daniel McShane, parochial vicar lead Benediction after a Holy Hour at the teachers retreat for schools in Peoria and surrounding communities at Sacré-Coeur Retreat Center in Magnolia Aug. 12. (Provided photo)

Teachers aren’t just teachers anymore. They’re often asked to serve as social workers, law enforcement and parents, too, according to Mary Cushing of St. Thomas the Apostle School in Peoria Heights. “They’re basically being asked to do the impossible through the circumstances of our world right now,” she said, quoting Dr. Ray Guarendi, a Catholic […]

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St. Mary of the Fields Church in rural Grand Ridge set to celebrate 150 years

St. Mary of the Fields Church in Grand Ridge, built in 1872, is still a beacon of faith in the fields of rural Grand Rapids Township. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

GRAND RIDGE — One of the oldest churches still in use in the Diocese of Peoria, St. Mary of the Fields in rural Grand Rapids Township east of Grand Ridge, will host a Mass on Sunday, Sept. 4, to celebrate its 150th anniversary. Msgr. Philip Halfacre, vicar general of the Diocese of Peoria, will be […]

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Retired architect Jim Matarelli using his art to expand pro-life conversation

Jim Matarelli of Peoria holds his first painting, which expands the discussion about what might be considered pro-life issues. He has also addressed prison reform, the Eucharist, and Jesus' exhortation to "Be Not Afraid." (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

While he could draw a little, retired architect Jim Matarelli of Peoria didn’t pick up a paint brush until two years ago. What has poured out of his heart and onto canvas is a lifetime of experience applied to Catholic social teaching and a desire to expand the conversation about a variety of issues. Among […]

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Several theaters to show film based on true story of adoption Sept. 9-16

Rebecca Rogers Nelson and Kirk Cameron star in a scene from the movie "Lifemark." (CNS photo/, via The Criterion)

“Lifemark,” a new movie based on a true story of adoption, will be shown in theaters throughout the country Sept. 9-16, including at least eight sites in the Diocese of Peoria. Those who heard Melissa Coles speak at the 2019 Sanctity of Human Life Rally in Peoria will be familiar with the topic. The new […]

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Katie Faley — Sharing the harvests of our gardens . . . and other God-given gifts

"By the third time somebody shared their harvest," writes Katie Faley, "I started to see the ways in which God can work through these small moments and gestures."

Cause of Our Joy / By Katie Faley Would you believe that it was green beans and baked potatoes that inspired my faith this month? Well, it was. It’s said that God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes that just happens to be through a potato. It all started when my grandpa’s friend, Don, brought over […]

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