
Diocese’s Catholic schools get creative in raising hurricane relief funds, prayers

Holiding up a poster for their fundraiser to help students affected by Hurricane Harvey in Houston are eighth-graders from St. Jude School in Peoria, from left, Genevieve Stickelmaier, Jessica Shane, Daniel Marcinak, Marcus Targos, and Carly Lindsey. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Catholic schools around central Illinois may not have been affected by Hurricane Harvey or the storms that followed, but they have been involved in helping their fellow students in Texas, Louisiana and Florida pick up the pieces and return to class. At the request of Dr. Sharon Weiss, superintendent of schools for the Diocese of […]

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St. Jude Catholic School student’s essay on Abp. Sheen wins national contest

Harry Penne, a fifth grader at St. Jude Catholic School in Peoria, won top prize in the Catholic School Division, Grade 5, of the Catholic Textbook Project's History Essay Contest for his paper on Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, right. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Harry Penne knew that Fulton Sheen was an archbishop, had been declared venerable, and was born “not so far away.” But it was a personal connection that made the sainthood candidate an ideal choice for the paper he submitted to the Fall 2016 Catholic Textbook Project History Essay Contest. A fifth-grader at St. Jude Catholic […]

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Students design award-winning compost project, invite other schools to follow

LJ Higgs drops a banana peel into the compost bin after lunch hour at St. Jude Catholic School in Peoria. The bin is part of the "Kids Can Create Compost" project that repurposes more than 100 pounds of food scraps a month. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

While they are very good with robot design, members of the First Lego League team from St. Jude Catholic School in Peoria – known as the Firecrackers – are also making noise for their skills in cooperating with God’s design for the planet. A composting project the eight-member team organized at their school helped the […]

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