
Students design award-winning compost project, invite other schools to follow

LJ Higgs drops a banana peel into the compost bin after lunch hour at St. Jude Catholic School in Peoria. The bin is part of the "Kids Can Create Compost" project that repurposes more than 100 pounds of food scraps a month. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

While they are very good with robot design, members of the First Lego League team from St. Jude Catholic School in Peoria – known as the Firecrackers – are also making noise for their skills in cooperating with God’s design for the planet. A composting project the eight-member team organized at their school helped the […]

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Catholic Sisters’ billboards on environmental awareness are politcally timely

This billboard, one of 22 sponsored by Catholic Sisters in the Upper Mississippi River Valley, is located in Rock Island. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

  ROCK ISLAND — With the eyes of many political analysts trained on Iowa, where the caucuses will be held Feb. 1, Catholic Sisters in the Upper Mississippi River Valley are hoping to catch a few of them with billboards reminding candidates, delegates and voters that care for the environment matters. “I see it as […]

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