
A gift during 2020

We add our voices to the many in this special edition of The Catholic Post welcoming Coadjutor Bishop-elect Louis Tylka — “Bishop Lou” for short or “BLT” as his father has taken to calling him. By any name, this 50-year-old “gentle shepherd” from the Archdiocese of Chicago is a gift from Pope Francis to our […]

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Stop the toppling: We Catholics love our statues, saints, and all children of God

A vandalized statue of St. Junipero Serra in San Francisco is seen June 19, 2020. The Spanish Franciscan founded several missions in what is now California. (CNS/David Zandman via Reuters)

We wouldn’t venture a guess at the total number of life-sized statues located on Catholic properties throughout the Diocese of Peoria. It is certainly in the hundreds and likely in the thousands. Most are inside churches and chapels, hospitals, schools, etc., while others are outside in cemeteries or on parish and institution grounds. Made of […]

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Seeing, and healing, the racial divide

“As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.” – […]

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By division, mothers are superheroes

“Mothers are the strongest antidote to the spread of self-centered individualism,” Pope Francis said during a general audience in 2015. “’Individual’ means ‘what cannot be divided.’ Mothers, instead, ‘divide’ themselves, from the moment they bear a child to give him to the world and help him grow.” The pope’s words ring even more true as […]

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Patience and prudence

If patience is a virtue, it is among the virtues being sorely tested as the shutdown of the nation’s economy and the closing of churches to fight the coronavirus pandemic approaches the two-month mark. The signs that patience is wearing thin was in evidence this week as protesters began to gather at state capitols demanding […]

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In solidarity with our candidates and catechumens on this unusual Easter Vigil

Father William Miller pours water over Hannah De Smit's head as he baptizes her at the Easter Vigil at St. Patrick Church, Galesburg, at the Easter Vigil last April. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

The Diocese of Peoria was set to joyfully welcome hundreds of new Catholics during Easter Vigil liturgies on Saturday, April 11. To those who are in the final stage of spiritual journeys to the church that began in September (or long before) and are anticipating their baptisms, first Eucharists, and confirmations, we say: a) that […]

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Take a ‘leap’ of faith on this year’s extra day, Feb. 29

We get an extra day this year. And it’s on a weekend. Our suggestion for Leap Day, Feb. 29? Take a leap of faith. Because Leap Day 2020 falls at the beginning of Lent, our first recommendation would be to use it as a day to practice almsgiving, one of the season’s three “pillars” (prayer […]

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Our polarized society and the mission of The Catholic Post to unite

In this polarizing election year, in these weeks of a presidential impeachment trial being conducted along strict party lines, in these days when our social media feeds and even family dinner talk can turn divisive over a host of topics, we at The Catholic Post open our annual subscription drive called “Delivering Unity.” Our mission […]

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Honor this Wapella mother of 19 with your pro-life presence this month

Rozanne Karr of St. Patrick Parish in Wapella, a mother of 19, is pictured in a photo shared by her brother John on a tribute page following her death on Jan. 6 at the age of 96.

There are many somber reasons to take part in this month’s activities marking the anniversary of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decisions legalizing abortion. Primary among them are honoring the tens of millions of unborn children whose lives ended violently before birth, and praying for the conversion of the hearts of those now considering abortion […]

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