
Geneseo parish hosting support group series for those divorced, separated

GENESEO — St. Malachy Parish is offering a support group for people who are separated and divorced that will meet on Monday evenings starting March 6 in the main conference room at the church, 595 E. Ogden Ave. “If you, or someone you know, is going through a divorce or separation, this group offers healing […]

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Filling Sophia’s Lunch Boxes helps to feed the hungry Jesus in downtown Peoria

MacKenzie Brown, a confirmation student from St. John Parish in Woodhull, affixes a sticker giving instructions for the use and return of a Sophia's Lunch Box during a recent day of service at Sophia's Kitchen in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Jesus is hungry. The volunteers at Sophia’s Kitchen in downtown Peoria see him in 300 to 700 faces every day as they place sandwiches, nutritious snacks and something warm to drink into waiting hands, and words of encouragement and prayer into aching hearts. This Lent, they’re inviting you to help by filling Sophia’s Lunch Box […]

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A round-up of some of the Lenten opportunities offered in the diocese

Ash Wednesday (March 1 this year) marks the start of Lent, a season of sacrifice, prayer and charity. (CNS/Nancy Wiechec)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Parishes and Catholic organizations and institutions around the Diocese of Peoria are planning special activities for the penitential season of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1. Following are just some of the spiritual opportunities made known to The Catholic Post. Bishop Jenky’s Lenten message: Regulations for Lent and the Easter Triduum […]

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Giving up, giving of

Here comes Lent and with it the question so many Catholics ask one another: “What are you giving up?” My go-to give-ups are salty snacks and/or diet soda. But while doing without Doritos and Diet Coke for 40 days is physically healthy, I don’t think that “sacrifice” alone increases my spiritual health in anticipation of […]

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Familiar texts speak in new ways to discerning ears, so listen closely

Father R. Michael Schaab

By Father R. Michael Schaab Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Feb. 26 Isaiah 49:14-15; Psalm 62:2-3,6-7,8-9; 1 Corinthians 4:1-5; Matthew 6:24-34 All too often in reading Scripture we focus only on the meaning of words. In the readings for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time and the First Sunday of Lent, there are lots of important words, […]

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Live out Christ’s true love and have a really happy St. Valentine’s Day

On Valentine’s Day and all days, we have in the saints and martyrs (like St. Valentine, shown in stained glass at right) a wonderful gift, writes Father Luke Spannagel. “They show us what it means to live out the love of Christ.” (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody and CNS/Paul Haring)

By Father Luke Spannagel While February is our shortest month in terms of number of days, to be honest, it often feels like a long month because of the cold dreariness of winter.  For many people, one bright spot in this month that sometimes drags occurs on Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. On the surface, this […]

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Explanatory Masses at two parishes offer insights into ‘something heavenly’

Celebrating explanatory Masses in recent days were Msgr. Brian Brownsey (left) at St. Mark Church in Peoria and Father David Sabel at at Catholic Schools Week Mass at St. Mary Church in Pontiac. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

“What’s happening before your eyes is something heavenly,” said Msgr. Brian Brownsey prior to beginning the Eucharistic Prayer. “This is the most important meal of our lives,” reminded Father David Sabel upon reaching the Liturgy of the Eucharist. For one day at St. Mark Church in Peoria and St. Mary Church in Pontiac, the pastors […]

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“John Wick: Chapter 2” (Summit)

Keanu Reeves stars in a scene from the movie "John Wick: Chapter 2." The Catholic News Service classification is L -- limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling. (CNS/Lionsgate)

By Catholic News Service Stylized, nearly cartoonish nihilism and the high body count that results from it create most of the apparent appeal of this second drama about the professional assassin of the title, played by Keanu Reeves. The rest, as directed by Chad Stahelski from Derek Kolstad’s script, consists of small moments — quite […]

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“The Lego Batman Movie” (Warner Bros.)

Animated characters Batman, voiced by will Arnett, and Robin, voiced by Michael Cerea, appear in the movie "The Lego Batman Movie." The Catholic News Service classification is A-II -- adults and adolescents. (CNS/Warner Bros.)

By Catholic News Service With his longtime adversary the Joker (voice of Zach Galifianakis) leading an army of bad guys in a bid to prove that he is Batman’s (voice of Will Arnett) most important enemy, the amusingly self-absorbed version of the Dark Knight first seen in 2014’s “The Lego Movie” will have to learn […]

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“Fifty Shades Darker” (Universal)

Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan star in a scene from the movie "50 Shades Darker." The Catholic News Service classification is O -- morally offensive. (CNS/Universal)

By Catholic News Service Sordid sequel in which a sadist billionaire (Jamie Dornan), yearning to revive his relationship with a book editor (Dakota Johnson) who doesn’t share his interest in dungeon doings, struggles to control his urges. Whether Mr. Kinky Boots can kick the habit is one of the least compelling questions imaginable and the […]

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