
‘We’re breaking ground for you’: Major project at St. Bede Academy under way

Before ground was broken at St. Bede Academy, students in each class were blessed with holy water and incense by Father Ronald Margherio, OSB, chaplain. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

PERU — Looking at the construction crew and equipment already hard at work at St. Bede Academy, Abbot Philip Davey, OSB, acknowledged that ground had already been broken for the new Science Center and Student Commons. “Perhaps you’ve noticed,” he said, with a smile. “But none of you were here. Since we’re breaking ground for […]

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St. Bede Academy begins construction on new Science Center, Student Commons

Completion of the new Science Center and Student Commons at St. Bede Academy in Peru cannot come soon enough for (from left) Maggie Daluga ’18, Ben Morrow ’19, Mackenzie Brady ’18, Thomas Makransky ’23, Mark Yaklich ’19, Tim Daluga ’22, and Kassidy Brady ’20. (Provided photo)

PERU — Construction has begun on a new Science Center and Student Commons at St. Bede Academy. Work could be completed as early as next spring, with the building ready to use for the 2018-19 school year. “We recently signed the contracts and are here today to bless this land and all people working to […]

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St. Bede Academy outlines plans for new Science Center and Student Commons

Matt McGinnis, director of the Legacy Project at St. Bede and a 1985 graduate of the school, and Abbot Philip Davey, OSB, of St. Bede Abbey stand next to the architect's rendering of what the entrance to the new Science Center and Student Commons at St. Bede Academy would look like. If funding for the $5.5 million project is secured, ground could be broken by June 1. (The Catohlic Post/Jennifer Willems)

PERU — It took more than 10 million bricks to build St. Bede Academy and they’re about to get some company. During three information meetings last week, officials at St. Bede Academy announced plans to build a new Science Center and Student Commons, with work starting as early as June 1. The estimated cost is […]

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