
“King Richard” (Warner Bros.)

Will Smith, Saniyya Sidney, Aunjanue Ellis, Daniele Lawson, Demi Singleton, Layla Crawford and Mikayla Bartholomew star in a scene from the movie "King Richard." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Warner Bros. Pictures)

By Catholic News Service A vivid performance from Will Smith as the father of future tennis greats Venus (Saniyya Sidney) and Serena (Demi Singleton) Williams energizes this intriguing fact-based sports drama. By turns determined and, as the nickname of the title suggests, domineering, with the help of his dedicated wife (Aunjanue Ellis), he overcomes long […]

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Bishops approve plans for 3-year National Eucharistic Revival; 2024 Congress in Indy

Auxiliary Bishop Andrew H. Cozzens of St. Paul and Minneapolis listens to a question during a Nov. 17 session of the fall general assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)

BALTIMORE (CNS) — The U.S. bishops’ focus on the significance of the Eucharist in the life of the church isn’t just about the statement they approved at their fall meeting. It also is about something bigger: a three-year eucharistic revival that will culminate with the National Eucharistic Congress 2024 in Indianapolis. The bishops approved a […]

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Purgatory explored, ‘poor souls’ prayed for at PDCCW Day of Remembrance

Father Alexander Millar raises the monstrance in blessing as the Holy Hour for the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women's Day of Remembrance for the Holy Souls comes to an end. It was held at St. Joseph Church in Marseilles on Nov. 13. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

MARSEILLES — Accepting the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s invitation to come together for a Day of Remembrance for the Holy Souls last Saturday, a small group of women considered what is important in their lives and what the reality of their own death and eternal life with Christ means. The day was hosted […]

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High school youth draw nearer to Jesus in the Eucharist at ‘Abide in Me’ retreat

The diocesan youth retreat closed Nov. 6 with an evening encounter with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at St. Monica Church in East Peoria led by Father Eric Bolek, parochial vicar of the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community parishes. (Provided photo)

EAST PEORIA — Nearly 70 high school youth from around the Diocese of Peoria took a day out of their weekend on Saturday, Nov. 6, to encounter Jesus, especially in the Blessed Sacrament. The diocese’s annual Abide in Me retreat could not take place last year because of the pandemic, and this year was shortened […]

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Elementary gains help Catholic school enrollment rebound, grow by 2 percent

Teacher's aide Stephanie Lewis works on a puzzle with Josie Kilgore in one of the two kindergarten classrooms at St. Philomena School in Peoria. At 53, St. Philomena's kindergarten class is the largest in the Diocese of Peoria this year and the school's largest since 2010. The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Enrollment in Catholic schools around the Diocese of Peoria has rebounded slightly from last year for an overall increase of 2 percent and now stands at 9,567 students. That includes a 5 percent increase at the elementary level — what Jerry Sanderson, associate superintendent, calls “a very healthy climb.” “A year ago we had 7,360 […]

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‘Microschool’ approach of St. Edward, Chillicothe, shared in national magazine

St. Edward School in Chillicothe is featured in the November issue of Momentum Magazine, published by the National Catholic Educational Association.

CHILLICOTHE — When it comes to multiage instruction, Mike Domico did his homework and now St. Edward School here is earning high marks with parents, teachers and parishioners, not to mention the National Catholic Educational Association. Domico, principal of St. Edward School, was featured in the November issue of Momentum Magazine, which is published by […]

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A list of opportunities for Advent prayer, study, renewal and more in diocese

The first candle of the Advent wreath is seen lit. Advent begins on Nov. 28. (CNS/Katie Rutter)

Advent Sunday Vespers planned in Peoria The Heart of Peoria Catholic Community will host a series of Advent Vespers, starting on the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 28, at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 607 N.E. Madison Ave. There will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 p.m., followed by Evening Prayer at 4:30 p.m. and […]

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Lindsey Weishar: Refreshing the art of conversation at the Thanksgiving feast

Columnist Lindsey Weishar offers a few suggestions for meaningful conversations around the Thanksgiving table, and beyond.

My Vocation is Love / By Lindsey Weishar There’s a reason that St. Mother Teresa invites us to begin at home when it comes to ministering to the poor. Noting not only economic poverty, but the proliferation of spiritual poverty in our modern day, she asked, “Are you aware that in your own family, in […]

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Bishop Tylka’s December prayer calendar for parishes and religious communities

Which parish will Bishop Tylka pray for in a special way on Christmas Day? Why, The Nativity of Our Lord in Spring Valley, of course! (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Throughout 2021, Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka has been praying for each parish in the Diocese of Peoria by name with the assistance of a calendar he developed with Sister Linda Burkitt of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception (Heading Avenue Franciscans). He will continue to do so in the new year. In […]

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Paul Moore: Strengthening the ties that bind . . . both here and in the hereafter

Columnist Paul Moore with his father, Tom. "I've grown closer to my father since his death," Paul writes. (Provided photo)

In My Father’s House / Paul Thomas Moore I’ve grown closer to my father since his death, as I reflect on his life and the legacy of his love. Everybody warmed under the sun of Mom, but Dad could be a bit of a puzzle. Churchill’s definition of Russia as a “riddle, wrapped inside a […]

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