
The father of The Catholic Post

Three days after the world celebrates the canonization of Mother Teresa on Sept. 4, the staff of The Catholic Post will pause to mark 20 years since the death of our beloved Father Peters. We invite readers to join us in prayer for Msgr. Robert G. Peters, a legend in the Catholic press who guided […]

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Collaboration, creativity celebrated as OSF Innovation floors dedicated at ‘Jump’

Msgr. Michael Bliss, director of pastoral care at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, blesses a meeting room on the new OSF Innovation floors at the Jump Trading Simulation and Education Center. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

As the third and fourth floors of the Jump Trading Simulation and Education Center were dedicated Aug. 12, the holy water blessed not only the physical elements of a new collaborative environment known as OSF Innovation, but the creative ideas that will be sparked here to benefit patients locally and even around the world. “What […]

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Gift will establish pediatric wellness center at OSF St. Mary in Galesburg

Mark and Jeannette Kleine of Galesburg visit with Father Deus-Dedit Byabato , chaplain of OSF St. Mary Medical Center in Galesburg, at a reception Aug. 15 following the announcement of their $1.5 million gift to establish a pediatric wellness center at the medical center. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

GALESBURG — Within the word “gift” is the shorter word “if,” and it was after considering the question “What if?” that Mark and Jeannette Kleine decided to make a $1.5 million investment in the future of children’s health in the Galesburg region. The Kleines’ legacy gift to the OSF HealthCare Foundation, announced during a reception […]

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Parish respect life coordinators pray, then plan at ‘Moved by Mercy’ retreat

Leo Grimes of St. Mary Parish in Bloomington venerates a relic of St. John Paul II being held by Father William Miller, IC, during the Aug. 20 retreat. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

WEST PEORIA — When parish respect life coordinators come together each August, they usually are ready to hit the ground running. This year they were asked to slow down, however, and spend time reflecting on the love and the mercy of God. “We wanted to give this day to you as a gift of appreciation […]

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Preschool opens in Metamora, while program grows at Holy Cross, Champaign

These preschoolers at Holy Cross in Champaign already know that when Father Dave Sajdak, SDB, pastor, asks, "What time is it?" their response should be "Time for God!" (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

CHAMPAIGN — Holding 3-year-old Kevin tightly, Melissa Anfield smiled. Her husband Tony Markiewicz did the same and then their son was gone as he went to explore what the new preschool building at Holy Cross School had to offer on the first day of classes. “We’ve just been waiting until he was old enough to […]

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Fr. Royer shares memories of Mother Teresa and why “I claim her as my Mother”

In this photo from 1972, Father Tom Royer visits with Mother Teresa at the convent of the Missionaries of Charity in Kokata, India. (Provided photo by Eileen Egan)

Editor’s Note: The author is a senior priest of the Diocese of Peoria who served as pastor of St. Mary Parish, Champaign, for 38 years and is known for advocating for the poor and homeless not only in the Champaign area but around the world. Blessed Teresa of Kolkata is scheduled to be canonized on […]

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Roanoke man’s faith journey is told in new book by first-time author

Steve Wagner is baptized by Msgr. Charles Beebe in 2013 at St. Joseph's Church in Roanoke. His faith journey is told in the new book "From Assisi to Christ" written by Ron Thorne of Peoria.

What started as a conversation between two men — one of them searching for answers — during a Cursillo weekend in June 2012 is now a book about conversion and healing called “From Assisi to Christ.” Steve Wagner of Roanoke is the man who made that journey, which is recounted in detail by Ron Thorne […]

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No rest after Brittney Morales’ 3,000-mile pro-life missionary walk across the U.S.

Brittney Morales, a former counselor at the Women's Care Center in Peoria, is pictured (far right, with arm outstretched) in Washington, D.C. after completing the three-month Crossroads Southern Pro-Life Walk Across America. (Provided photo)

NEW YORK CITY — After walking more than 3,000 miles as a missionary for the pro-life cause, most people would be ready for a nice, long rest. Not Brittney Morales. The former counselor at the Women’s Care Center in Peoria completed the Crossroads Southern Pro-Life Walk Across America on Aug. 13 in Washington, D.C. A […]

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Capital campaign under way for parish school at Blessed Sacrament, Morton

A new gymnasium and cafeteria, school entrance, and additional classrooms are the goal of a $5.25 million capital campaign being launched at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Morton this weekend. (Sketch by PCM + Design Architects, East Peoria)

MORTON — A $5.25 million capital campaign is being launched at Blessed Sacrament Parish here this weekend seeking pledges to fund several improvements at the parish school. “Bringing to Completion the Good Work Begun” is the theme of the campaign, which will cap more than a decade of expansion and updating of the parish’s facilities. […]

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Deacon class installed into ministry of acolyte, urged to lives of service

Robb Caputo of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Leonore is presented a ciborium by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, during the Rite of Institution of Acolytes for members of the diocese's tenth class of permanent deacons Aug. 20 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria.(The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Twenty-four men who are entering their final year of preparation for ordination in the permanent diaconate were installed into the ministry of acolyte by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, during a joy-filled Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral  on Saturday, Aug. 20. But while the bishop led the assembly in robust applause for the class members […]

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