
Loving farewell as Franciscan Friars end 135-year presence at St. Mary, Bloomington

The friars join the parish choirs and all present in singing "You Shall Not Tire" at the close of the Franciscan Farewell celebration at St. Mary Parish in Bloomington. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — Tears, laughter, and professions of love and gratitude filled St. Mary Church here May 29 as parishioners and friends from around the diocese bid farewell to the Franciscan Friars. As with any good celebration there was also music and even some dancing in the aisle as Father Neri Greskoviak, OFM, prompted by the […]

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Conventual Franciscans live Gospel life in prayer and fraternity

Marytown, home to the National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe and sponsored by the Conventual Franciscans, is located in Libertyville. Provincial headquarters are in Chicago.

  EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the last in a series featuring religious communities and other forms of consecrated life around the Diocese of Peoria. The Year for Consecrated Life, which began with the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 30, 2014, closed Feb. 2, 2016, the World Day of Consecrated Life. —– It may have been […]

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