
Sister Charlotte, others from Moline making El Salvador trip

By: By Jennifer Willems PHOTO: Sister Charlotte Seubert, FSPA, stands next to a board offering opportunities to support students at the school in El Salvador she helped to found 50 years ago. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems) — MOLINE — Fifty years ago a revolution began. This new world didn’t start with four lads from Liverpool […]

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American Heritage Girls troops welcomed to first Scout Mass

Photo Caption: Showing the uniforms of American Heritage Girls are Giuliana Piccione of St. Mary, Metamora, and Sarah Brabec of St. Jude, Peoria. There were new faces, and uniforms, at this year’s diocesan Scout Mass on Feb. 9. Nearly 30 girls from newly formed American Heritage Girls troops representing St. Jude Parish in Peoria and […]

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Scouts receive religious medals, emblems at diocesan Mass

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky awards the Family of God medal to Megan Graham of St. Patrick Parish, Urbana, during the annual Scout Mass at St. Mary’s Cathredral on Feb. 9. By: By Tom Dermody When Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, ended his homily at the Diocese of Peoria’s Scout Mass last Sunday by urging those […]

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Funeral Mass in Roanoke for Deacon Andrew Heckman, 45

ROANOKE — A funeral Mass was celebrated on Feb. 11 at St. Joseph Church here for Deacon Andrew Heckman, 45, a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Peoria. Deacon Heckman died on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2014, at the University of Chicago Hospital in Chicago, where he had undergone a heart and kidney transplant on Feb. […]

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Do our choices, behavior reflect the love of God?

By: By Sharon Priester Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Feb. 16 Sirach 15:15-20; Psalm 119:1-2,4-5,17-18,33-34; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Matthew 5:17-37 Just recently, as my husband and I were watching the news, Scott Pelley introduced an “On the Road” segment by Steve Hartman titled “N.C. man finds silver lining after ALS diagnosis.” I was struck by […]

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Full text of homily from funeral Mass for Deacon Andy Heckman

Editor’s note: Following is the full text of the homily given by Msgr. Charles Beebe at the funeral Mass celebrated Feb. 11 at St. Joseph’s Church in Roanoke for Deacon Andy Heckman. Deacon Heckman’s obituary appears here. —– The life of each one of us can be thought of as a series of stories which […]

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Do you check Facebook more than your Bible?

When the social media giant Facebook observed its 10th anniversary earlier this month, one of the headlines we saw declared that more people read Facebook daily in the U.S. than the Bible. We won’t bore you with the math that led to that conclusion, but we doubt that it shocks anyone. After all, that picture […]

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Recent movies reviewed on the basis of moral suitability

Photo Caption: Jessica Brown Findlay and Colin Farrell star in a scene from the movie “Winter’s Tale.” The Catholic News Service classification is A-III — adults. Rating: By Catholic News Service The following movie reviews are supplied by Catholic News Service in conjunction with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and […]

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Deacon Andrew Heckman dies; funeral is Tuesday in Roanoke

ROANOKE — A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at St. Joseph Church here for Deacon Andrew Heckman, 45, a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Peoria. Deacon Heckman died on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2014 at the University of Chicago Hospital in Chicago. Ordained to the permanent diaconate on […]

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