
Cathedral’s new sacred music director sets lofty goals, issues wide invitations

Jon Kroepel, organist at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria, will also now serve as director of sacred music there. (Provided photo)

It was what he observed while playing the organ for liturgies at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria that brought Jon Kroepel into the Catholic Church at last year’s Easter Vigil. Now he will get to inspire others as the new director of sacred music there. Kroepel succeeds Greg Etzel in the position, which has been […]

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“Just Getting Started” (Broad Green)

Tommy Lee Jones, Morgan Freeman and Rene Russo star in a scene from the movie "Just Getting Started." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Lewis Jacobs, Broad Green Pictures)

By Catholic News Service This dismal attempt at comedy pits the old goat (Morgan Freeman) who manages a Palm Springs resort for retirees against his establishment’s newest guest (Tommy Lee Jones) in a competition that spans the golf links, the poker table and the chess board. It aims at, but never quite reaches, the boudoirs […]

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“The Disaster Artist” (A24)

James Franco stars in a scene from the movie "The Disaster Artist." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/A24)

By Catholic News Service The eccentricities of a notorious self-funding filmmaker (James Franco, who also directed) and the story of the friendship (with Dave Franco) that led to the making of his famously bad 2003 movie “The Room” provide steady laughs but will also touch viewers’ hearts as the relationship at the center of this […]

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Pastor’s 3-year beard gone as St. Ambrose, Milan, celebrates renovation of church

More than three years after he pledged not to shave until St. Ambrose Church in Milan had a handicapped accessible entrance, Father Charles Klamut allowed his beard to be shaved during a celebration of the church's reopening Dec. 1 after renovations that went well beyond two new entrances. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will rededicate the church at a 1:30 p.m. Mass on Sunday, Dec. 10. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

MILAN — “I feel my strength leaving me,” joked Father Charles Klamut as his long beard, more than three years in the growing, was cut in front of a crowd of cheering witnesses at St. Ambrose Parish Center here on Dec. 1. But while Samson of the Old Testament lost his physical power after his […]

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From stress to holiness: young adults get seasonal advice at first “Fourth Watch”

Father Adam Cesarek offers suggestions on how to lessen pre-Christmas stress by keeping the focus on Christ during Advent. He was the featured speaker at the Diocese of Peoria's first "Fourth Watch" gathering on Dec. 4 that drew more than 60 young adults to the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Overwhelmed by the approach of Christmas? Father Adam Cesarek suggests making a different kind of list during Advent to “change your season of stress into a season of holiness.” “It’s hard to keep our eyes on the things that are most important as we prepare for Christmas,” said Father Cesarek, the featured speaker Dec. 4 […]

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Peru priest, Streator teacher training to ‘Dance Dance Dance for Charity’ Dec. 10

Darcy Mollo, fine arts teacher at St. Michael the Archangel School in Streator, and Father Jacob Rose, pastor of St. Joseph Parish and Peru Catholic School in Peru, work on their routine for "Dance Dance Dance for Charity." The competition to raise funds to keep the arts in Illinois Valley schools, will take place Sunday, Dec. 10, in the ballroom of Senica's Oak Ridge Golf Course in La Salle. (Provided photo)

LA SALLE — Father Jacob Rose and Darcy Mollo may not have a lot of experience when it comes to ballroom dancing, but that has made them all the more determined to “Dance Dance Dance for Charity” in an effort to keep the arts in Illinois Valley schools. Sponsored by OmniArts in Starved Rock Country, […]

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Taxpayer lawsuit filed in Springfield to stop Illinois’ abortion public funding bill

Catechist Joanne Dorn (right) and members of the confirmation class from St. Luke Parish in Eureka take part in a Life Chain in this 2016 file photo. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

SPRINGFIELD — A taxpayer lawsuit against State of Illinois officials was filed in Sangamon County Court on Nov. 30 in an effort to stop the implementation of House Bill 40, which expands taxpayer-subsidized abortions in the state. “The people of Illinois totally reject taxpayer-funded abortions,” said Peter Breen, special counsel for the Thomas More Society, […]

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Bishop’s Festival Letter is timely teaching

Before reading another paragraph of this editorial, make sure you have pulled out Bishop Jenky’s Festival Letter on St. Joseph included with this issue of The Catholic Post and — if you haven’t already read it — place it somewhere safe for future reading and reflection. If you are a man, our level of encouragement […]

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Turn to St. Joseph, a ‘model for all men,’ Bishop Jenky urges in new Festival Letter

A statue of St. Joseph holding the Child Jesus is carried during a recent Diocesan Men's March through downtown Peoria. Pope Francis has proclaimed a yearlong celebration dedicated to the foster father of Jesus. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

The example of St. Joseph “should be an inspiration to men living in our own challenging era,” writes Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in his 16th Festival Letter. “The Church has always looked to St. Joseph as a model for all men — for workers, for fathers, for husbands, and for priests,” notes Bishop Jenky […]

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Parishes hosting film to help parents start conversations about tech impact

“Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age,” a documentary aimed at helping parents get the conversation started with their children about the impact of technology on their day-to-day lives, is being made available for viewing at Catholic schools and parishes in central Illinois. “Some of it is very sobering,” cautioned Michelle Marcinak, a parent at […]

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