
“Bennett’s War” (Forrest)

Michael Roark and Allison Paige star in a scene from the movie "Bennett's War." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Forest Films)

By Catholic News Service Endearing sports drama about a wounded Afghan War vet (Michael Roark) who risks being permanently crippled in order to return to the motocross track, where his pre-deployment reputation was impressive, and win prize money to save his father’s (Trace Adkins) failing farm. Though his wife (Allison Paige) is initially opposed, fearing […]

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Rally Against Abortion covers State Capitol in prayer, determination

Father Edward Ohm of Lincoln organized the Rally Against Abortion at the State Capitol as a private citizen in an effort to pray for government officials and offer reparation for sins against God. During the prayerful, peaceful event on Sept. 4, he blessed the building with holy water and consecrated it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

SPRINGFIELD — Tears fill Shirley Buckner’s eyes when she talks about abortion, and her heart breaks at the thought of what happens to the unborn during the procedure that will stop theirs. “It’s so horrible. It’s horrible,” said Buckner, a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Mount Pulaski. “Such a beautiful life that’s snuffed […]

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Archbishop Sheen museum seeing an increase in visitors, adds to displays

Father Joseph Lappe, MIC, associate pastor of St. Peter and Holy Rosary parishes in Kenosha, Wisconsin, views one of eight new photo slide shows at the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Museum in the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria during his visit there Aug. 26. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Before it was announced in early summer that the remains of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen would be transferred from New York to Peoria — and before the miracle attributed to his intercession was approved, paving the way for beatification — the museum that bears his name at the Spalding Pastoral Center was already undergoing […]

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Volunteers offer welcome, information to all visiting cathedral, Sheen’s tomb

David and Linda Whitaker of Tinley Park, pilgrims to the tomb of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Aug. 27, are greeted by volunteers (from left) Kate Socha of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Peoria Heights; Regina Hutt of St. Philomena Parish, Peoria; and Patricia Ostaszewski of Epiphany Parish, Normal. More than 50 volunteers have staffed the welcoming table during the two months since the cathedral extended visiting hours following the transfer of the sainthood candidate’s remains from New York to Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Before they visit the new tomb of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, pilgrims to St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria first encounter a smiling face and warm greeting from one of more than 50 volunteers who take turns at a table just inside the side chapel entrance door. “I hope to be a listening ear to […]

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“Don’t Let Go” (OTL Releasing)

Storm Reid stars in a scene from the movie "Don't Let Go." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Universal Pictures)

By Catholic News Service After his niece (Storm Reid), with whom he shared a close relationship, is murdered, a police detective (David Oyelowo) is startled to receive a series of phone calls from her. Eventually piecing together the fact that she is communicating with him from a different time period — two weeks before her […]

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Will we be outcasts in God’s Kingdom?

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time/Sept. 1 Sirach 3:17-18,20,28-29; Psalm 68:4-5,6-7,10-11; Hebrews 12:18-19,22-24a; Luke 14:1,7-14 This summer we have been treated to excerpts from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. Each of the four Evangelists brings a slightly different insight into their proclamation of Jesus. Perhaps, the stories about Jesus have become so familiar some two […]

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Outdoor classroom a place of prayer, learning at St. Mary School in Kickapoo

Kindergartner Owen Schaub gives a good drink of water to the newly planted flowers in the outdoor classroom at St. Mary School in Kickapoo. The students were guided by Owen's grandmother, master gardener Anne Schaub. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

KICKAPOO — Over the summer, a new classroom was added to St. Mary School here. Don’t look for it inside the building, however. The spacious new learning center is located behind the school on a large lot that had plenty of grass but wasn’t used for anything — until kindergarten teacher Josette Baumann received a […]

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Vicariate Masses to invite prayers for immigration, human trafficking causes

A public awareness poster at Catholic hospital in Florida calls attention to the problem of human trafficking. CNS file/Tom Tracy)

Noting that immigration and human trafficking are major concerns not just for the United States but around the world, the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is inviting the Catholic community to come together in prayer. Masses have been scheduled in each of the 12 vicariates of the diocese and will be offered through next […]

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Hispanic Ministry offers a professional listening ear to area’s Spanish-speaking

Sister Isabel Romero, SCTJM, director of Hispanic Ministry for the Diocese of Peoria, is pictured with Olga Figueroa, her longtime friend from Mexico. Figueroa is a psychotherapist who offered workshops and private counseling in August to Spanish-speaking Catholics in LaSalle, Peoria, and Bloomington. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

As a priest from Mexico was hearing confessions for 14 hours during a retreat day for Spanish-speaking Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria last summer, Sister Isabel Romero, SCTJM, offered to help move things along. “Do you want me to tell them to be a little more quick — to just say their sins?” asked […]

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