
Little Disciples Preschool site is blessed at St. Mary, Pontiac; will open in August

Father Adam Cesarek, administrator, sprinkles holy water in blessing of the space that will house Little Disciples Preschool at St. Mary Parish and School next fall. A place of honor was reserved for the future preschoolers in front of the current students and parishioners after the Catholic Schools Week Mass on Jan. 31. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

PONTIAC — St. Mary Parish and School has taken the next step in building a strong community of disciples by blessing a space that will welcome the youngest among them. With Scripture, prayer and a sprinkling of holy water by Father Adam Cesarek, administrator, Little Disciples Preschool became the newest center for early childhood education […]

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“Birds of Prey” (Warner Bros.)

Margot Robbie stars in a scene from the movie "Birds of Prey." The Catholic News Service classification is O -- morally offensive. (CNS/Warner Bros.)

By Catholic News Service Intended as a tart treat, this DC Comics adaptation instead comes across as a sour exercise in random mayhem. Margot Robbie plays Harley Quinn, the psychiatrist who fell for Batman’s nemesis, the Joker, while treating him at an asylum. After the two split, she finds herself vulnerable without his protection and […]

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From Kobe Bryant to outdoor weddings, Bishop Jenky answers students’ questions

Bishop Jenky answers questions from junior leaders at Peoria Notre Dame during his Catholic Schools Week visit to the high school on Jan. 31. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

“Could Kobe Bryant become a saint?” “If God loves us so much, why would he punish us to eternity in hell?” “What is something that you wish you could tell all the young people of the church?” Those were just three of the nearly 20 questions that junior class leaders at Peoria Notre Dame High […]

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“The Rhythm Section” (Paramount)

By Catholic News Service An ordinary woman (Blake Lively) becomes an unlikely assassin to hunt down the killers of her family in this revenge thriller, directed by Reed Morano and based on the novel by Mark Burnell. When a journalist (Raza Jaffrey) reveals that the airplane disaster which killed her parents and siblings was not […]

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“Gretel & Hansel” (Orion)

Alice Krige and Sophia Lillis star in a scene from the movie "Gretel & Hansel." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Orion Pictures)

By Catholic News Service Child abandonment and hunger are the backbone of this horror-film framing of the Grimm Brothers fairy tale. Gretel (Sophia Lillis), who is 16 in this version, has to decide whether bounteous meals from a forest witch are worth the risk to her and her 8-year-old brother Hansel (Sammy Leakey). Holda the […]

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March for Life high school pilgrims from diocese tell of ‘life changing’ experience

The center spread of the Feb. 2 issue of The Catholic Post included photos and brief comments from diocesan Catholic high school pilgrims to the Jan. 24 March for Life in Washington, D.C. Some of the young pro-life pilgrims share their experience in greater detail below.

By plane, metro trains, buses, and some very crowded automobiles, hundreds of pilgrims from the Diocese of Peoria traveled to Washington, D.C., to take part in the Jan. 24 March for Life and related events. Among them were contingents from five Catholic high schools in the diocese — Peoria Notre Dame, Central Catholic in Bloomington, […]

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Rebekah Hagan tells of finding ‘a way out’ after she took the first abortion pill

Rebekah Hagan addresses the Sanctity of Human Life Rally on Jan. 21 in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Like a driver whose car begins to slide uncontrollably on a freeway that has turned foggy and icy, Rebekah Hagan — then a frightened, pregnant, single, teenaged mother of one — looked for and took the closest “exit ramp.” It led to an abortion clinic. “In a moment of panic and not thinking clearly, I […]

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Distinguished teacher invites his students to explore their world, faith

Jim Taber, who has taught at Central Catholic High School in Bloomington for 36 years and chaired the science department there for 35 of them, can't help but teach, even in conversation. Everything becomes a lesson in science and faith for the Distinguished Teacher of the Year. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

BLOOMINGTON — Jim Taber can’t help himself. Conversation with him is filled with lessons in biology, chemistry, botany, math and physics and it’s done in such a joyful and spontaneous way that anyone listening will learn something and be happy to do it. That’s a good thing for his students at Central Catholic High School, […]

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Peoria principal shares credit with team, community for top schools honor

During a classroom visit, St. Mark principal Noreen Dillon works on a word game with first-grader Tommy Tomlins. Helping people discover their strengths and use them is one of the reasons she went into teaching. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Dr. Noreen Dillon accepts that she has been named the Distinguished Principal of the Year by the Office of Catholic Schools, but says, “It really had nothing to do with me.” “It had more to do with the really good team I’m working with and the families that we have here supporting the school, and […]

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St. Thomas, Philo, opens Catholic Schools Week with the blessing of a new addition

St. Thomas principal Lisa Doughan thanks the many people who had a hand in the planning and construction of the new Trost Learning Center and Gymnasium, including the late Robert H. Trost, a major benefactor. Looking on is Father Keith Walder, pastor, and Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, who said he was proud of the work the parish had done to accomplish "the magnificent renewal of your school." The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

PHILO — After coming from the new Trost Learning Center and Gymnasium at St. Thomas School, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, had just one word as he started Mass Jan. 25: “Wow.” “I’m so proud of what God has done through you with that magnificent addition to the school,” he said as he greeted the […]

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