
“St. Dymphna’s Playbook”: a mental health resource from a Catholic perspective

Reviewed by Nancy Piccione Like most people, I am grateful to live in a time when mental health issues are discussed openly. In decades past, these topics were often minimized or stigmatized. And in some religious circles, mental health struggles could be overly spiritualized, and sometimes prayer was presented as the only solution. At the […]

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Champaign couple’s gift establishes fellowship to honor Archbishop Myers

Archbishop John J. Myers

The Papal Foundation has received a $200,000 gift from Dan and Marianne Harrington of Champaign to establish the Archbishop John J. Myers Fellowship in the area of canon law. This will make it possible for one scholar each year to study canon law at one of the Roman Pontifical Universities. The first recipient is Father […]

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‘Day of the Dead’ altar at St. Mary Church, Bloomington, rich in symbolism, hope

Diego Sanchez-Gomez places a photo of his late grandmother, Rosa Gomez, on the Day of the Dead altar at St. Mary Church in Bloomington. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

BLOOMINGTON — Members of St. Mary Parish here have a striking reminder to pray for the souls of the deceased during November with the construction of a tall, colorful Day of the Dead altar to the left of the sanctuary. “The bright colors and the flowers show us there is a tomorrow of happiness and […]

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Paul Moore: A birthday prayer party at grotto delivers the ‘best present ever’

The "rainbow connection" seen at Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto in Germantown Hills. (Provided photo/Julie Vonachen)

In My Father’s House / Paul Thomas Moore Donna Vonachen Abdnour was born into Heaven on Oct. 25, 2021. Just a little more than two weeks previous, friends and family celebrated her final birthday on this side of Paradise. There were no streamers, ribbons, cake or ice cream — but those in attendance will never […]

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Activities developed as companion resource to children’s book on Sheen

A page from the activity book designed by Katie Boger is seen next to "Fulton Sheen and the Very Bad Week" by Bonnie Engstrom. The artwork by Mariam Khoury Briggs was used with her permission in Bogner's resource. (Provided photo)

“Fulton Sheen and the Very Bad Week” now has a companion activity book. Katie Bogner, junior high faith formation teacher at St. Philomena School in Peoria, designed it to help students in kindergarten through fourth grade learn more about Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. It also invites children to go deeper into one of the […]

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Metamora native pens book that points youth to the treasure of the Eucharist

Janeen Zaio, author of "The Treasure with a Face," visits the third- and fourth-graders in Joyce Heiple's class at St. Mary School in Metamora Oct. 21. A 1985 graduate of the school, she shared her book about how a boy not much older than they are discovered the gift of Jesus in the Eucharist. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

METAMORA — As the U.S. bishops prepare to continue their work on a teaching document about the Eucharist, Metamora native Janeen Zaio is doing her part to win young hearts for Jesus with her debut book, “The Treasure with a Face.” She introduced it to students at St. Mary School here during a visit to […]

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Priests urged to live ‘mystery of the cross’ to meet church’s post-COVID challenges

Msgr. Eugene Morris addresses priests of the Diocese of Peoria on the challenges of the post-COVID church during his keynote talk at Priest Assembly Days at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria on Oct. 18. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Priests must live the “mystery of the cross” in order to respond to pastoral challenges including division and indifference that have intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We’re all waiting to see — now that life is, in a sense, returning to normal and more freedoms are able to be exercised — are we going to […]

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Parenting is ‘tougher than ever’ in pandemic era; speakers offer way forward

Matt Regitz, left, and Johnny Philp lead parents in a discussion on the theme "The Post-Coronavirus Church: Parenting Just Got Even Harder" during an evening of fellowship and community hosted by Peoria Notre Dame High School on Oct. 26. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Catholic parents need to support one another and bring Jesus into their home discussions all the more because COVID-19 has made parenting “tougher than it’s ever been.” “As we talk about this pandemic and what has changed, it’s just tougher,” said Matt Regitz, one of two youth and family ministers from Texas who spoke at […]

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