
Father Heinz is granted senior status; grateful for the ‘privilege’ or priesthood

Father David Heinz is pictured outside St. Anthony Church in Bartonville. The Kickapoo native has guided the Bartonville faith community since 2002, and formerly served as pastor of St. Thomas, Philo; St. Mary, Westville; St. Bernard, Peoria, and Holy Trinity, Bloomington. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

BARTONVILLE — Father David Heinz has celebrated Mass on a bus crossing the Alps, on a riverboat table in the middle of the Nile, on a large rock in Minnesota, and in hotel rooms around the world. So the fact that his 43-year active priestly career is winding down with Father Heinz celebrating weekend Masses […]

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Msgr. Rohlfs is granted senior status: influenced priests of diocese and beyond

Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, P.A., addresses a Seminary Family Weekend at Mount St. Mary's in Emmitsburg, Marlyand. Msgr. Rohlfs, who spent 11 years as rector of the nation's largest Catholic seminary and also held many diocesan leadership roles, has been granted senior status. (Provided photo/Mount St. Mary's Seminary)

ST. PAUL, Minnesota — It’s safe to say that Msgr. Steven Rohlfs, P.A., has played some role in the life of every priest of the Diocese of Peoria for almost four decates. Whether as vocations director, vicar general, teacher, administrator, spiritual director, or as rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Msgr. Rohlfs’ influence has been […]

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Lacon Franciscans to sell, but will continue serving, St. Joseph Nursing Home

Even though the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi will no longer own St. Joseph Nursing Home, the facility they founded in Lacon 56 years ago, they will continue to work and provide ministry on the campus.

LACON — Lacon Rehab and Nursing will become the new owners of St. Joseph Nursing Home on July 15. The Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi, who founded the home 56 years ago, said the decision to sell was difficult and came after “an extensive discernment process.” “It is important to know that even though […]

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Stop the toppling: We Catholics love our statues, saints, and all children of God

A vandalized statue of St. Junipero Serra in San Francisco is seen June 19, 2020. The Spanish Franciscan founded several missions in what is now California. (CNS/David Zandman via Reuters)

We wouldn’t venture a guess at the total number of life-sized statues located on Catholic properties throughout the Diocese of Peoria. It is certainly in the hundreds and likely in the thousands. Most are inside churches and chapels, hospitals, schools, etc., while others are outside in cemeteries or on parish and institution grounds. Made of […]

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In the Spirit of Christ are life and rest

Shawn Reeves

By Shawn Reeves 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time/July 5 Zechariah 9:9-10; Psalm 145:1-2,8-9,10-11,13-14; Romans 8:9,11-13; Matthew 11:25-30 I have bouts with insomnia. Often my mind can find no rest. Problems, planning, tasks, and obligations weigh it down and push sleep away. It is a frustrating and fatiguing phenomenon. In our first reading, God announces a message […]

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St. Julie Parish bids ‘Bishop Lou’ a loving farewell as he leaves for Peoria Diocese

"Papa Lou" Tylka shares a special moment with his son as he places a flower lei around his neck. The flowers represent a promise from the parishioners of St. Julie Billiart in Tinley Park to Bishop-elect Louis Tylka that they will continue to plant seeds of faith in his honor after he leaves to become Coadjutor Bishop of Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

TINLEY PARK — With love and gratitude, members of St. Julie Billiart Parish said goodbye to Bishop-elect Louis Tylka, promising to continue the good work they had begun together. That affection was returned during the final Sunday Mass “Bishop Lou” celebrated there on June 28. “It has been a distinct honor and privilege of my […]

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New Pro-Life Billboard Project places signs near Champaign, seeks to expand

Volunteers are pictured with one of several pro-life billboards created and installed at several locations in the Champaign area. Among those pictured is Father Fredi Gomez Torres, who blessed the sign and site. (Provided photo)

Teams of volunteers are creating and installing billboards with pro-life themes along roads in the Champaign-Urbana area. The billboards, designed by a volunteer graphic artist from St. Patrick Parish in Tolono, are placed on donated land. “We’d love to put up as many as possible to foster a stronger culture of life,” said Renee Mullen, […]

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