
Benedictine Sister Rosemary Murphy dies at 95; funeral Mass will be livestreamed

A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister Rosemary Murphy, OSB, will be livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. on June 1. (Provided photo)

ROCK ISLAND — A private Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Monday, June 1, in the chapel of St. Mary Monastery here for Sister Rosemary Murphy, OSB. It will begin at 10:30 a.m. and be livestreamed by the monastery. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery, also in Rock Island. Sister Rosemary died on […]

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Churches reopen for private prayer; public Masses resume on June 6, with limits

Two people take a few moments for private prayer in the chapel of St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Peoria Heights on May 29. The Diocese of Peoria entered Phase IA of the plan to reopen churches, which allows for private prayer and adoration for 10 or fewer people, on Friday, and then announced that public Masses could resume on June 6. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Just as parishes were opening their doors to people for private prayer and adoration on May 29, it was announced that Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, had given permission for public Masses to resume on Saturday, June 6. The Masses that weekend celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Each church must be certified […]

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Catholic Charities receives $100,000 grant to assist area COVID-19 impacted families

Sister Michelle Fernandez, SCTJM, is director of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria has received a $100,000 grant to assist families impacted economically by the COVID-19 pandemic with housing and/or utilities payments. The grant is from the third round of disbursements generated by the Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund (ICRF). Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria is among 31 nonprofit organizations […]

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‘My flock is here’: Pastor celebrates Mass from truck bed in Granville, Hennepin

Rejoicing that "my flock is here," Father Patrick DeMeulemeester welcomes parishioners to an outdoor Mass at Sacred Heart in Granville in May 24. He celebrated Mass in the parking lot of St. Patrick in Hennepin earlier that morning. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

GRANVILLE — Three days before his 25th anniversary of ordination, Father Patrick DeMeulemeester got a wonderful gift when he was able to celebrate Mass with his parishioners for the first time in two months. The liturgies took place in the parking lots of St. Patrick in Hennepin and Sacred Heart in Granville on May 24. […]

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Seminarians excited that ordination date as transitional deacons now set: June 14

Diocese of Peoria seminarians Austin Bosse, left, and Nicolas Wilson had anticipated being ordained as transitional deacons on May 17. The ordination, delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will now take place June 14.

Details are still being worked out, but one thing is certain: seminarians Austin Bosse and Nic Wilson will be ordained transitional deacons for the Diocese of Peoria on Sunday, June 14. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will preside at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. There is no word yet on […]

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Bishop issues COVID-19 protocol guide for reopening churches within diocese

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC (The Catholic Post file/Tom Dermody)

Noting that the Diocese of Peoria has already reached Phase I in the plan to reopen churches, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, issued COVID-19 Protocol Instructions on May 20. Modeled on the plan developed by the Archdiocese of Chicago, the plan for the Diocese of Peoria has been adapted to correspond to central Illinois and […]

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“Scoob!” (Warner Bros.)

This is a scene from the animated movie "Scoob!" The Catholic News Service classification is A-II -- adults and adolescents.(CNS/Warner Bros.)

By Catholic News Service Bland animated addition to the Scooby-Doo franchise that began as a Saturday morning TV show in 1969. Opening with an origins story of the bond between a future laid-back beatnik (voice of Will Forte) and his faithful dog (voice of Frank Welker), director Tony Cervone’s adventure then jumps forward a decade […]

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‘Totus Tuus’ summer youth program plans to offer its teaching content online

Totus Tuus participants take part in an exercise of trust led by team member Jacob Martini in this 2017 file photo from St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington.

People who were sad to hear that Totus Tuus, the popular, parish-based faith formation program for children and teens, might not be able to take place this summer can rejoice. While the weeklong sessions with Totus Tuus missionaries and teachers is not possible due to COVID-19 restrictions on large gatherings, Father Timothy Hepner and Amy […]

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Despite circumstances, Class of 2020 grads are making memories and feeling loved

The 2020 graduates of Peru Catholic School, socially distanced and wearing specially made PSC masks that match their maroon graduation robes, pose with Peru Mayor Scott Harl on the steps of the Peru Municipal Building. The major invited graduate representatives from Peru schools to come for photographs and the enitre Peru Catholic 8th grade class obliged. (Provided photo)

They might not have been able to gather at their schools for honors assemblies, Baccalaureate Masses and graduation ceremonies as originally planned, but members of the Class of 2020 ended the academic year knowing they were loved and would be remembered. “You have done many great things, but these are not the best four years […]

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