
‘Everybody stepped up’: Parish hall blessed at Immaculate Conception, Carthage

Father Thomas Szydlik leads Immaculate Conception parishioners in prayer before they share a pancake breakfast in celebration of their new parish hall being blessed in Carthage on Nov. 24. The hall can accommodate 225 people. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

CARTHAGE — Members of Immaculate Conception Church celebrated the blessing of their new parish hall on Nov. 24 the same way they saw the project through to completion — with prayer and fellowship. “May all who come here know the presence of Christ, experience the joy of his friendship, and grow in his love,” Father […]

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Lacon parish to celebrate 150 years since church’s dedication with Mass on Aug. 17

A sign outside Immauclate Conception Church in Lacon calls to mind that this is the building's 150th year of serving "faith, family, and the community." (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

LACON — Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will be the principal celebrant of a 4 p.m. Mass on Saturday, Aug. 17, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the dedication of Immaculate Conception Church here. “Our invitation is very open,” said Father John Bosco Mujuni, who is in his second year as pastor. That welcome is specially […]

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Youth group at Manito parish opens a ‘Blessing Box’ to serve area needy 24/7

Immaculate Conception Parish youth group members pose with the Blessing Box which they helped design and will keep filled with items for free distribution to the needy of the Manito area. From left, the youth are Mary Kate Figge, Samantha Masalana, Josie Woodley Alyssa Sondag, and Jameson Woodley. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

MANITO — After a Sunday Mass at which Jesus was proclaimed as the “Bread of Life,” Immaculate Conception Parish here stocked and dedicated an outdoor “Blessing Box” to freely share food and some of life’s other physical necessities with those in need. “We pray that all who seek love and assistance here may find (Christ) […]

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Sister Kathleen Ann Mourisse, OSF, elected president of Heading Avenue Franciscans

Sister Kathleen Ann Mourisse, OSF

WEST PEORIA — Sister Kathleen Ann Mourisse, OSF, has been elected to serve as president of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception. She succeeds Sister Paula Vasquez, OSF, who will complete her second term in June. Elected to serve on the general council were: Sister Irene Marie Fritch of Peoria, vice president, […]

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