
‘Fear of the Lord’ — 17th Festival Letter of the Most Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C.

AN INTRODUCTION: To the Clergy, Religious, and Faithful of the Diocese of Peoria: My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: “Fear of the Lord” may seem to be a somewhat unusual topic for a “Festival Letter,” but I have my reasons. It seems to me that reverence and awe before Almighty God is necessary for […]

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Bishop Jenky announces a ‘Mary March’ in October to celebrate Fatima centenary

A statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried through a crowd in 2016 at the Marian shrine of Fatima in central Portugal. Bishop Jenky has announced that the Diocese of Peoria will host a "Mary March" in October in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the apparations of our Blessed Mother to the children at Fatima. (CNS/Paulo Chunho, EPA)

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Diocese of Peoria’s historic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and plans to mark the 100th anniversary of her appearances to the children at Fatima were outlined this week by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in the following letter. To the Clergy, Religious and Faithful of the Diocese of Peoria: My Dear […]

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“The Peace of Christmas” — A message for 2016 from Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC

This depiction of the Nativity is from a stained glass window at St. Mary Church in Canton. The Catnton faith community will not see the window this Christmas because the church remains closed for repair following the Nov. 16 deadly natural gas explosion in the city's downtown. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Christmas, 2016 “Glory to God in the highest and PEACE to His people on earth!” My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: On every great feast day and on almost every Sunday of the year, the song of the Christmas angels’ echoes down the ages in the Church’s sacred liturgy. As we celebrate the almost […]

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Teaching truth is an expression of love, mercy writes Bishop Jenky in “Choice”

The “greatest possible expression of Christian mercy” the Catholic Church can offer a contemporary culture that celebrates unrestrained personal choice is to “boldly preach the truth, in season and out of season,” according to Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. “The first and greatest truth to which we must always give persistent witness is that Jesus […]

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