Bishop Jenky announces a ‘Mary March’ in October to celebrate Fatima centenary

A statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried through a crowd in 2016 at the Marian shrine of Fatima in central Portugal. Bishop Jenky has announced that the Diocese of Peoria will host a "Mary March" in October in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the apparations of our Blessed Mother to the children at Fatima. (CNS/Paulo Chunho, EPA)

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Diocese of Peoria’s historic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and plans to mark the 100th anniversary of her appearances to the children at Fatima were outlined this week by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in the following letter.

To the Clergy, Religious and Faithful of the Diocese of Peoria:

My Dear Brothers and Sisters:

“I ask all of our pastors to celebrate in their parishes this feast of Our Lady of Fatima, Saturday, May 13, in a special way,” said Bishop Jenky. (The Catholic Post file)

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of our Blessed Mother to the children at Fatima. Our Lady’s call for prayer, penance, and fidelity to her Son as the surest way to peace in the world and in our hearts is just as urgent today as then. I ask all of our pastors to celebrate in their parishes this feast of Our Lady of Fatima, Saturday, May 13, in a special way. Our families should also be encouraged to remember this feast in the homes as this feast day falls on Mother’s Day weekend.

As a diocese, I have asked Cecilia Sone to work with various curia offices to prepare a “Mary March” in October as a culminating event for the centenary of Our Lady of Fatima. October is the month of Our Lady’s Rosary, Respect Life Month, and Oct. 13 commemorates the 100th anniversary of the day the sun danced at Fatima. Details about the “Mary March” will come soon, but it will be modeled after the annual Men’s March and will include a rally, procession and solemn Mass at Our Lady’s Cathedral.

From the time the French missionaries established the first missions under Our Lady’s patronage, our Local Church has had a special devotion to the Mother of God. I am sure this centenary celebration of Our Lady of Fatima will bring a renewal of love and grace to our parishes and our families.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, CSC

Bishop of Peoria

(Related story: Approved miracle paves the way for canonization of two Fatima visionaries)

(Related story: All men and boys of diocese invited to April 29 “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith”)

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